Scamdemic Almost Over

This intel came from Rockwell via email (he does an email newsletter). I think it's the best summary of the entire Scamdemic. It explains why President Trump is supporting the jab mandates - and most importantly it explains why the Scamdemic is about to end SOON. 

Excerpt from Rockwell's Newsletter

It really is amazing to see how everything is converging to this moment.   When you take all the puzzle pieces, it looks like the fake pandemic is about to be over.   No, seriously.   First of all the demented pedophile sharter told us there is no federal solution to covid.  The next day the CDC altered their quarantine protocol driven mostly by economic factors.   The gov't is starting to realize NO ONE is working, and they have possibly done IRREPARABLE damage to businesses and gov't agencies using covid as an excuse to crush the nation.   

Here's how bad it is.   Grim Whitmer, destined for Gitmo or the gallows, signed a bill into effect which will allow cafeteria workers and bus drivers to TEACH school classes because there is such a shortage of employees.  They also just said the PCR test is unreliable after being the gold standard test for two YEARS!  They are doing these things right now as we are experiencing the MOST cases ever recorded in a single day.  Think about that.   When we had the FEWEST cases is when they unleashed the vaccine mandate, and now that cases are exploding, they are getting more lenient.   

It defies all logic, unless you look deeper.  By the way 30% of ALL national case are in heavily vacc'd and masked NYC.  When we look deeper, what do we find?  EO 13887.   This EO puts the Dept of DEFENSE, in other words, the MILITARY, in control over the FDA, NIH and CDC during a pandemic.   THEIR authority supersedes all three of those treasonous agencies.   And what has the military been doing?   Creating their OWN vaccine which is apparently almost done.   Lets look deeper into that.   

The military has been doing covid research, and we learn about this weeks after Omicron is released.   Well, now we have a full picture.   Covid was a bioweapon attack on the world, specifically the USA, to allow them to steal an election.   As a counter, the US military created a new strain with over 50 different mutations that is highly contagious and absolutely harmless spreading across the world giving everyone natural immunity in what is essentially a live vaccine.   

After learning that the military was heavily invested in covid research, I am thoroughly convinced Omicron was a military operation designed to end the pandemic.  Little else makes sense.   The gov't NEVER gives up power and wants to crush us.   So now that they have a RECORD number of cases, they should be salivating at new lockdowns, vaccine mandates, death camps, etc.  Why are they doing the exact OPPOSITE of what they have done the past two years?   Cases are all that matters, right? Not having any symptoms is one of the symptoms of Omicron which means they could lock us up perpetually.  Not if the white hats are in control and giving them their orders, and they are doing this right in the window when we expect Trump to return.  

Furthermore, the Supreme Traitors are FAST TRACKING two cases concerning the mandates.  Under normal circumstances, I would expect the traitors to rule against America and freedom.   I think they have a proverbial gun pointed to their head to rule the mandate is unconstitutional, and think about this in greater depth.   Libs, the testosterone deficient betas and Karens of society, are afraid of an asymptomatic cold virus, so much so they got three vaccines, wear masks, avoid human beings, and test themselves as part of their daily ritual.  They have hearts full of hate and souls full of cancer with an irrational hatred of Trump.  Seriously, anyone going to the damn hospital with no symptoms to get tested has genuine mental illness.   

What is my point?   If Trump is on the verge of returning, it would be in EVERYONE'S best interest to end covid as much as possible before he returns.   I think THIS is why he is vocally pro-vaccine right now.   I think he knew the plan which none of us were privy to.  I think he knows the mandate is about to be crushed by the Supreme Traitors and everyone is about to get natural immunity.   So when he returns, he can say he was pro-vaccine all along to assuage libs, say the courts ended mandates (not him), and the country now has natural immunity.   In other words, his hands are WASHED clean of covid!   

He doesn't have to issue an EO that ends vaccine mandates which the libs would jump ALL OVER calling him Hitler, anti-science, trying to kill Americans, etc.  We ALL know this is what their response would be.   But if the courts shoot down mandates, and we all have immunity, the problem is solved without him having to FORCIBLY intervene, the key point being FORCE.  They are trying to make it look like this was taken care of before Trump's return without Trump's intervention so no one can really object.  It really is genius, and I think it is further proof he returns VERY soon.  Il Donaldo just posted that we are going to "party like it's 1776".   Do you understand these are the COMMS that we are supposed to notice? (Rockwell)

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Hello Sierra,
    Aaron Rodgers qb for the Green bay packers NFL football team said today the NFL is giving its players that test positive for covid19 HQC and Ivermetin. Strange that us little people can't get to use that. As always Sierra take care. Randy

  2. Greetings Sierra, I have received the rockwell report through a friend before and love it but dont know where to find it to sign up for the newsletters. Can you point me in the right direction please?

  3. I would love to know where to find the Rockwell report signup as well!

  4. Go to:

    And sign up to the mailing list. Believe me, it wasn't hard to find. Google is your friend.

  5. I listened to Brad Johnson on YT and he spoke about the whole thing ending soon as well. He just gave it first quarter of 2022, so hopefully it will end early, Like the first of the first quarter! He also said that the bad juice is being phased out (military operation), replaced with just saline, placebo. It sounded like this is about complete, may be a little of the bad juice remaining.

  6. Thank you gearshaw! I had located it with my search but didnt see the signup on top originally so i wasnt sure if it was the right one. Thank so much :)

  7. This is so good and absolutely makes sense. Hats off to Rockwell.


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