The Event Channeling

The Event channeling has had a profound effect on my life. Before it happened, I was already starting to lose interest in 'intel'. Political twists and turns are becoming less relevant. I have strong faith in the Divine Plan and the Alliance so I don't need to know every small detail of the operation. I TRUST the Plan.

Here is another excerpt from the channeling that was not in the original post (I will add it to the original post)...

'Everyone has had their chance to get to this point on their own. The people who are left are GOING to be shaken, with no choice in the matter. But everyone will get there eventually. It's an ego death for a lot of people. And money won't matter anymore - the rich and the people with big houses will realize that nothing matters.

People will have to let go, let it ALL go - the ego around their jobs. And they will need to learn self-love - not to rely on it from other people. That will come - with remembering who they are, they will remember what is good for them, good for their health. And they won't be able to go back. It's almost like it will be physically impossible to eat and drink how it was before. Things like meat will become repulsive. Over time. I'm not saying this happens in one day. But everything falls away.'

I like this message from Pepe Lives Matter. I agree that the protests are more of a thermostat - a way of measuring humanity's resistance to the [D]eep [S]tate, as opposed to a forum for action and change.

Patriots should consider the peaceful protests happening around the world more of as thermostats rather than creating actionable change. They are showing where we are in the Great Awakening: Quite far.
Instead of being discouraged by their should feel inspired and encouraged that they are not alone and that millions of people around the world are learning to cherish freedom. Awakening is the first step towards true victory.
And we've made colossal strides.

A summary of the REAL pandemic - a pandemic of apathy and fear of speaking out. These are the people who will be activated by the Light when the Event comes. We must have compassion for their current ignorance and their overwhelming shock when the truth lands in one ego-shattering moment.

I like this message for people who are resisting the booster shots - a very common theme now.

This message features a painting in [E]pstein's house - I think the person in the painting is George Soros, one of [E]pstein and [M]axwell's puppet masters.

A big WOW. This is a huge crowd of protesters in sunny Queensland. Remember, Australia's overall population is much less than many northern hemisphere countries. Go Aussies...!

Finally, a reminder that the last Q drop on 8th December 2020 was a link to the song, 'We're Not Gonna Take it'. It has become the theme song for global protest rallies. Q always said, 'Future proves the past'. Does it make sense now..??


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I saw my double-jabbed brother and sister-in-law Saturday. My throat chakra is wide-open now, so I stood in my truth. My brother sat mute and defensive, but my "sis" was open to listening. By the end of my rant, my brother said, "No Boosters!" One step at a time...

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Good to hear my siblings won't listen ego too strong still .. we need divine intervention now. Doug

    2. Yes, Doug. We need it now. Love and Light!

  2. Hi,Every starseed,sincerely invite you to join the Divine Intervention Activation on 16:00 UTC, 12 21st:

    There are many benevolent civilizations in this Galaxy, such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Lyrans, Andromedans etc,. They are living in a high state of spiritual development and they have a strong direct connection to the Source. They would like humanity to join the Galactic family, but they need a clear, strong, coherent signal from the surface population that contact is desired.

    By this activity, we can unite our consciousness and express our free will that we humanity want to be one of Galactic family clearly.

    So, let's do it! Love&Light to everyone๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–


    You can find all things like meditation audios and livestream about Divine Intervention here:

    Update about Divine Intervention:

    1. Yes thanks for promoting also sign th petition for freedom easy to do but so powerful! Go here links in most recent update

  3. As a person who is telepathic with plants I can tell you that they are conscious and have feelings just as we do. Fruits and vegetables for the most part are living embryos. They are not happy about being eaten. At least we have the decency to kill an animal before we consume it. I have always called this the Cannibal Planet as we all eat other beings. I think we are seriously being led astray if we think being a vegetarian is somehow superior to being a meat eater. There are scientific studies to back up what I am saying. I recommend the book "The Secret Life of Plants."

    1. I must agree all is consciousness by default .. rocks are consciousness ... Now vegetables won't last though they will die if not picked right .. you can't leave carrots .. lettuce potatos in the garden past a certain pt. We must nourish ourselves and since all is 1 we are in a sense eating ourselves so it gets hard to know what to do. Bless and thank the food .. humans are also food the slave trade has been immense so we too are being eaten and enslaved ..all must end now. Doug


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