Coming To A Movie Theater Near You...

This fascinating global movie theater story is all over Telegram. Rockwell tells it best (he sends his intel via a private newsletter)...

An anon discovered something absolutely BAFFLING pointing to big events on Thursday.   ALL theaters across the country show ONE and ONLY ONE movie playing Friday January 7th.  That movie is a new release "355".   There is a Telegram thread dedicated to this, and literally people from all 50 states are reporting the same thing.   FULL slate of movies on the 6th, ONE movie on the 7th, and EVERYWHERE it is JUST "355".  Here is a local theater.  "355" is on the schedule for Thursday.   With advance ticket sales, theaters list their movies a week in advance so people can reserve their spot for the new releases for the weekend.  People is Nazistralia are reporting there are no movies listed for TEN DAYS after the 6th.   TEN DAYS as in the possible ten days of darkness.  VERY odd.  I absolutely love the anons.   Nothing escapes notice.   This is a WORLD WIDE phenomenon, and they know SOMETHING.

Q made countless references to movies and popcorn in the Q drops. And think about it - if the Alliance takes over all forms of mass communication to simultaneously disseminate the truth about the [D]eep [S]tate, it would include movie theaters, right? Apparently Spain and Italy have not scheduled any movies from 6-11th Jan. Check your local movie theater schedule for the next two weeks.

A reminder of the importance of the date 6th Jan...

It is the one year anniversary of the fake insurrection at Capitol Hill (it's appalling that innocent Light Warriors are STILL in prison after that incident). 6th Jan is the original date of the Christian Christmas before it was hijacked. And President Trump has scheduled a press conference at Mar-a Lago on 6th Jan. An announcement, maybe...? 

Many Anons are buzzing about rumors of NESARA being announced/introduced in the next few weeks. One of the criteria for NESARA is new elections to be held in every country in the world. NESARA and President Trump's return make a cute pair, don't you think...??

Dr Reiner Fuellmich is presenting a case to the Polish Parliament to indict [G]ates and [F]auci for creating a global pandemic aimed at killing millions of people. This short excerpt from his summary tells the whole evil story.

Heart-breaking testimony from an airline pilot about the devastating impact of the jab on his health and that of many of his colleagues. They KNOW they are not safe to fly - and therefore neither are we.

Time for some good news - a Danish health chief has stated that Omicron could spell the end of the 'pandemic' in several months. Perfect news to herald the triumphant return of President Trump - and the final nail in the coffin for the [D]eep [S]tate. BOOM.

This is awesome news too. 

Finally, Relentless Truth with a list of reasons why Q has been a crucial element in the success of the Alliance plan to liberate humanity. Here are two of my favorite Q phrases: Future proves the past...You can't tell the people,  you have to show them...'

I have taken a step back in my daily life to introduce space and opportunity to process my Ascension journey. Two things stand out as being very important right now - gratitude and listening to my heart. I have gone back to using a daily gratitude diary, and I am writing in my journal. I am journaling my way to Ascension! 

Listening to my heart is becoming second nature as I ask myself, 'Do I want to do this? Do I want to wear that item/eat that food/see that person...??' I am questioning every thought and decision, running it through my 5D barometer. It takes courage and commitment to examine every tiny aspect of your daily life. Personally, I am reaping the benefits.

This could be a big week, Light Warriors. Stay positive and calm - although a little bit of excitement is perfectly acceptable too.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. (Sierra the link for the pilot is not correct.)

    2. Thanks Caroline, I really appreciate the heads up about the wrong link. It's fixed now!

  2. When we listen to our heart, we are divinely protected by the seen and unseen. Love it!! Love and Light, Sierra!!

    1. Absolutely, Jan. Well said, my friend! Love and Light to you.

  3. So I've looked into the movie theatres here in Canada, and at the same time, there's no listings, but as well, we are also on a bit of a shut down, where they closed in door dining and gyms and movie theatres again so it's not surprising there's not any movies listed. Maybe it's unrelated, or not.

    But the fact that this is occurring as well in the US, says maybe there's something to it. My spidey senses are tingling.

    Thank you Sierra for your continued posting here, and I find it very helpful and more engaging than when I used to read them on Dinar Chronicles. It seems that site is still a fan of the tomorrow group, as in Nesara will happen tomorrow and then come up with excuses why it didn't. I do believe that is a part of our learning as well to discern.

    When feeling down, just remember, the strongest of the strong souls came here to assist, and YOU wouldn't be here if you weren't strong.

    1. Ah man, well the above was my post. I don't know why it posted as unknown. But best wishes for an amazing Tuesday today.


    2. Thanks Lambert, great to hear from you! I am really pleased that you like being part of this blog community. I love the feeling of positivity I get when I read the comments. There are some very cool people here - and of course you are all the bravest of the brave, strongest of the strong, which is WHY you are so cool!

  4. Hi Sierra, I too checked my "local" theater (we live in the country, nearest is an hour away), and there are 8 other movies playing this Friday, Saturday, et al. Unless something comes up at the last minute...(sigh) I will continue to hold that light, be that beacon, and take it whenever it gets here. Love and Light from The Badger State!

    1. Thanks Moon Goddess. I am holding that light, being that beacon right along with you, my friend. Love and Light from Down Under!

  5. What is it about this movie, 355? I saw a trailer of it. It's kind of like an Ocean's Eleven meets a James Bond movie, only with women. It looks quite good, if I were into going to the movies these days. Wouldn't it make more sense for The Matrix #4 to be the only movie left playing?

    For the record, so far our closest theatre has movies scheduled past the 6th. But I didn't go through the whole process of actually trying to buy a ticket, so who knows.

    1. I read somewhere that 355 is the story of George Washington's first woman spy during the American Revolution. It could be quite relevant...!

  6. Matrix 4 is 27 minutes of plot intermixed with 2 hrs of fighting. Yawn.

    1. And it’s not like we didn’t “know” Neo was going to get back with Trinity when it started, right?

    2. So true about Neo and Trinity, Tim. Tee hee. And the fighting in ALL the Matrix movies is so annoying. It spoils a great story line. Mindless violence for no good reason.

  7. Hmmm, I see a full list of movies on the 7th.

    1. Rockwell said in his latest newsletter that most normal movie schedules were re-instated the following day. Very strange!


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