Jab Narrative Tide Turning

I enjoyed this Starship Earth newsletter - plenty of common sense, as usual. She addresses the disinformation issue. Like me, she is waiting for the dust to settle to see 'who is who in the zoo...'

I love the meme in the newsletter of the ETs looking down on Earth, saying: 'How unusual...They entrust the management of their health to those who profit from their sickness...'

Light Warriors have learned to avoid doctors and hospitals if at all possible. We can see from the deadly agenda of the many doctors who jab patients for profit (Welsh doctor in previous post) that they don't care about us. Awakened doctors and nurses have left the profession if they can.

Great statement from Gab CEO Andrew Torba about President Trump's new social media platform.

Devin Nunes confirms his commitment as CEO of President Trump's Truth platform.

Millions of Americans and people around the globe are counting on us to get this done.' (Nunes)

Good question here. Waiting for an answer (tapping fingers on my desk)...

A triple-jabbed Fox News commentator is forced to admit that he is 'embarrassed' he got [C]ovid. Priceless.

A little-discussed issue is the fact that insurance companies won't cover for jab adverse reactions. If it's SO safe, where's the problem...??

Meanwhile Pfizer CEO has announced a new 'Omicron variant' jab. It is clear evidence for those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see that the [D]eep [S]tate agenda is based on an endless pandemic. Solution? WAKE UP, PEOPLE...!

Relentless Truth with an ACCURATE post of global [C]ovid deaths over the last two years. NO PANDEMIC.

Major Patriot with today's Supreme Irony Award.

There is no evidence of Mass Formation Psychosis according to Reuters, AP, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, USA Today, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, New Yorker, The Washington Post, Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Chicago Tribune, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. ...

Here is proof that the Alliance is in FULL control of the narrative - including our Alliance friends Upstairs. Enjoy.

Finally, from tomorrow I will not be able to enter my local library without a jab passport. Yes, an enjoyable form of relaxation away from post research - reading the few non-3D magazines from my local library - will be denied to me. Voices for Freedom members will gather in silent protest outside the library tomorrow. Bear in mind that un-jabbed children aged 12-17 will be denied entry too.

The [D]eep [S]tate cannot take away my right to walk beside the sea for relaxation and enjoyment. They tried that last year during lockdown but I walked anyway.

Hold the line, World Patriots. Not long now according to multiple signs of impending Alliance offensive activities. Most Anons feel strongly that we will see events take place this month, and well before March.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I watched (scrolled mostly) Fox News all night, starting with The Five, Brett Baier, Primetime, Tucker, Hannity and Laura. I wanted to know what happened with Novak.
    For one, like Magenta put it, he won a first battle. He still can be deported before the Open.

    Thing is, except for Brett (not surprised), they ALL exposed and denounced the plandemic, the lies about covid numbers and data, the vaccines that don't work and make people sick and die, masks, lockdowns, etc.

    So it's all there now. Except for MSM of course. CTV News Mtl asian host was very blunt in accusing those who defy curfews and mandates, that 'they should be taken care of', blah blah. They are still on their fear propaganda.

    1. Great MSM research, Sarah, well done! I think the narrative is fast flipping for the MSM. The dike is so full of holes, it has to burst at some point very soon. Love and Light to you.

  2. You know we're close with level of ridiculousness. I'm eager for the movie to end, but as Jaun O Savin says, "God moved only as fast as the children and elderly could move." Stay in the heartspace... we're almost there.

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. "...with the* level of ridiculousness." Left out a word. 😄

    2. Hi Jan. Yes, the level of ridiculousness (great word!) is definitely a sign that the movie is about to end. There is nothing more we can do for the sleepers - we gave them every chance. Now it will be the BIG SHOCK that wakes them up, whatever it is. Love, Light and hugs from my heart space to yours.

  3. Hello Sierra much love and light to you always beautiful light warrior & truth pusher God Bless You, We All do this for everyone especially the Children
    Memories: One Voice Children’s Choir https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ese24lTugs4w/

    listening & reading to your Awesome posts & being inquisitive having no less than navigating sieving out facts & truth from lies/deception/mendacity/untruths/deceptive bias from All the MSM & me not having a Collective narcissism trait like certain Government figure heads in general is the normal thing to do when being relentlessly bombarded with propaganda 24/7/365 showing nothing less than compassion is much needed.

    Please. If, as I believe, the horror of a dreadful mistake becomes apparent to more and more of our tormentors over the coming weeks, let us open our arms and embrace them. Only ‘together’ can we emerge from this darkness.

    Displaying love for fellow humans is far more productive than being negative uncaring

    not my personal opinions/thoughts in any way being negative uncaring but of concern compassion & dignity & love.

    1. Good sentiment, but unfortunately not everyone thinks like that. The agitators see love and compassion as a weakness, and they exploit it. Eventually it catches up to them, like what is happening in the here and now.

    2. Hi my friends. The issue of showing compassion will reveal itself once the narrative flips over and we understand what we are dealing with. Right now, we are still in the dark as to how it will look. Once the switch is flipped, we will instantly know how to respond to everyone around us, on an individual basis. Thanks for your thoughts. Love and Light to all three of you!

  4. Sorry about library it seems the unvaxxed somehow pose a risk to the vaxxed?? The vaxxed now are getting boosters quickly delivered to fight each new variant .. amazing how fast those boosters are made ready.. and of course more variants on the way and boosters repeat repeat until deaths start really increasing .. nothing can shake the commitment of the pro vaxxers..their egos won't let them be wrong! Meanwhile I am perfectly healthy .. taking vitamins ...lemon water ..my only problem is I want that EBS and I want total truth made known.. many are wondering what more.must happen to initiate this happening ...?

    1. Hi Doug. It seems that many official institutions, including the WHO, are condemning the booster shots. The EBS may be the only way to get through to the sleepers who are not even paying attention to their usual DS institutions like the WHO.
      There is still plenty of January left for action to take place...!

  5. Vaxxed are not eligible for Red Cross blood drives. Not only that, but awakened unvaxxed won't go near a mobile blood unit. Hence Red Cross blood supplies are dwindling away. How would it look to the politicians, MSM etc that the unvaxxed could save the lives of the vaxxed? Oh the karma. Couldn't have scripted it better myself.

    1. This is such an interesting situation, my friend. Absolutely all about the karma, isn't it...?? It's like the un-jabbed men only wanting to date un-jabbed women now, and the women lying about their status to get dates - these same women who were boasting about getting the jab only weeks before. Scripted - it's a movie...!!


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