Message From Canadian Convoy Organizer

This Canadian truck convoy spokesman spoke with such passion and vision, I have given him a whole post to himself - and a lengthy transcription.

The interviewer asked him, 'How long will this last...?'

The spokesman looked at his watch and said...

'Well,, it's going to be summer soon, right...? We're in this for the long haul...the thing is with trucks, they're designed to be on the road for an indefinite period of time. If you keep fuel in them, they can sit there for weeks and months. And now we have...over 8 million dollars worth of fuel, so how long....2023...2024...(laughter)

We're doing it because we need change. We need to be UNIFIED for the first time. We need to understand - the enemy is not EACH OTHER...We're all a unified country. The enemy, or the problem, is the political class pushing us into serfdom. If you don't speak up now and you don't get engaged, this is not going to end. THIS is your opportunity...Whether they (people) completely understand, whether they are pro-vaccine or they're anti-vaccine, that's not the point. The point is your basic freedoms. If you want to maintain your basic freedoms, this is the movement that is there FOR you, to GRASP, to help...'

I read the comments below the post. I agree with one commenter - it is VITAL that the truckers do not give up. They must stay the course until the Canadian [D]eep [S]tate controllers surrender to their terms. The truckers are the perfect people for the job. They are masters of patience with their long hours of driving across Canada. It's a big country. I have been there. Stunning scenery and the friendliest people.

As he said, they have now created a movement for We The People. All we need to do is stand by them and not back down. It will be more difficult for smaller countries, especially New Zealand, but if the global trucking freedom movement holds its ground for long enough, it will break the [D]eep [S]tate forever.

Finally, he talked passionately about unity. The freedom trucking movement is the beginning of Unity Consciousness on 5D Earth. It is happening now, right in front of us. The weekend protest rallies could only do so much. They did not have the resources and financial backing that the Canadian truckers have. Go, truckers, everywhere. We Are With You.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Someone just sent me this .. From the front lines of the trucker convoy in Canada...
    From KM


    “my message I am sending this everywhere and to everyone I can possible can!this is an urgent message. I have received confirmation of this from my own kids and have photos to prove it. The convoy from West Canada which is over 100km long has been trap on the SirJohnMacDonald HWY and Booth street, police have closed all access, no one can get to them to give them food or fuel, so they are all sitting on the hwy with their engines off to save fuel in -20C weather. This is a pacifist protest and the Canadian Government is trying to turn this into something else.. It is not against the law to protest and those truckers have come from a long way. The secret service also shut their communication on Zollo. We need to brainstorm to help them and perhaps tell the whole world! im doing my part as much as I can. if anyone has connection with media(the good ones) or someone there with a drone that can go there and film them sitting on the hwy. This is sickening what is happening we need to do our part and brainstorm. Apparently Fox News is downtown but I dont know how to get a hold of them cant trust fb to send them a message.
    We need to find a chopper to land where they are and give them fuel and food! I sat this post in one chat group on telegram Can this be check ,it is so cold we don’t want to something happens to our people !“

    I don’t understand how these truckers planned to refuel anyway ! Do you?

    1. Thanks for posting this information, Faith. People read the comments so hopefully someone will read it who can help in some way. If this situation is really happening, it's sickening and won't go unnoticed globally.

    2. The comment was accidentally duplicated, I will remove one of them.

    3. Canadian police will not recover if they are blocking the road. Where is the damn military where are the alliance ..I hear dumbs being cleared yet nothing on the surface to protect we the people?? It's the road block if necessary this is murder! RCMP you disgust me

    4. Doug, I agree with the roadblock and it needs to be removed. They are trying to do it peacefully. It's amazing to see that the protestors are shovelling sidewalks, picking up trash, and also feeding everyone. They are giving away food to anyone who wants it. It's truly amazing to see. There is talk going around about false flags, but the convoy also hired police officers to help with any issues that arise, and they are having skids of bricks removed, and people really are coming together here it seems.

      There is a video of a guy interviewing a police officer and the police officer says the protest is very peaceful. So despite what you see on the MSM, we have people calling out CBC, CTV for spinning false narratives.

      We are the awakening.



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