NZ Summer Festivals Cancelled

This news will awaken New Zealanders to the TRUTH about the Scamdemic. A huge number of big popular summer festivals and events have been cancelled because of Code Red.

Word on the street is that young double-jabbed people are very angry - they got the jab so they could go to the festivals and now they have all been cancelled. Ripped off, much.

Remember Q often said, 'You cannot tell the people; you have to show them...'

Now can you see why the Alliance had to allow this movie to play out to the end...? It has been excruciating for Light Warriors who have known the truth all along, but this is how it had to be. No one would listen to us because they were not being directly inconvenienced or adversely affected by the jab. That narrative is swiftly changing. 

Disillusionment is building. Sleepers are now questioning the booster shot. They will start seeing through the charade. And a charade it is - Omicron/Moronic is so mild, there are NZ news stories along the lines of, 'How can you tell the difference between Omicron, a cold, and hay fever.' Yep, we are shutting down million dollar festivals for an illness so mild, you cannot differentiate it from the common cold.

 Stand by, Light Warriors - incoming widespread awakening.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love and Light to you, my friend.

  2. Is Feb 20 supposed to be a big day? Asking because something came out about Russia Invading Ukraine on the 20th or 21st, but also that Trump's new platform comes out on the 20th. Surely it's just a coincidence, right?

    1. Hi there. I believe that President Trump's new platform TRUTH is set to launch on 21st Feb. And I think if the Alliance WW3 scare event is to take place, to awaken humanity, it may well be sooner than that...

  3. Agreed so much Sierra, thank you...... the expression of all life, in all worlds is but spirit/bani (extension of God/One...) growing in spiritual awareness as/through individual Soul - the never ending true self..... Spirit can not express/realize itself in the material worlds except through individual (Souls) action. Therefore everything that occurs in and around us is not only created for and by us through spirit but it is for our tailor made individual spiritual benefit..... it is therefore up to each individual to realize itself as soul, its divinity as a part of God/One and practice this expression as best as we can...... the kicker seems to be the initial learning that we are not random, rudderless, insignificant or apart unless we choose to be so. Free will is not an easy thing to master without knowledge of self as soul or at least the recognition that we are all essentially one. I thoughly enjoy watching the light within others brighten with spiritual awareness ..... our patience seems to be a major play now and will come the time when the light is ready for the fans to help brighten Souls who choose to move away from being seperate and choose to embrace a greater expression of self.

    1. Thank you HuuumanD for your beautiful comment. I appreciate you taking the time to write such an inspiring informative piece to share with this community. Like you, I love watching the Light within others brighten as they become aware of the truth. Not everyone will be afraid when the tsunami of Truth pours over humanity - many will embrace it with gratitude and relief. Love and Light.

  4. Yes end times madness will certainly be when the jabbed realize the endless boosters and then are informed what was in the jabs they willingly took. It's amazing isn't it how adults can be so easily manipulated I still am blown away... I once tried to show my older brother UFO proof even nasa quotes from astronauts .. Roswell info..nope nothing worked .. it was stunning as my older bro is an electrical engineer with a masters degree..I just assumed he would be fascinated by the topic too..but no he said it's impossible for any craft to reach earth as the closest stars was millions of light years away. Nevermind we have what 12 other planets nearby.. with life .. my pt is what seems so obvious and irrefutable to us so many simply can't fathom it and this is what perplexes me. What does it take for a person to have that moment where something makes them stop and question the official narrative? Or perhaps nothing will.. ? Of course same brother thinks mRNA vax is fine and it was a real pandemic even when I pointed out the statistic of 99.8% recover even that red flag didn't change his people just go around what doesn't fit the narrative they want for their reality .. victory of the light!!

    1. I am learning that some 3D engineers get stuck in their logical mind which means they have to defend their position rather than accept the idea of other possibilities. They are caught in a linear way of thinking. I think it's difficult for them to make the leap to 5D thinking - they have to let go of a lot of programming. Yes, Victory to the Light...!

  5. Sierra.. reincarnation .. I go back and forth on this one.. was this done by the positive galactics the guardians elohim etc to give is more opportunities for soul growth ..or was it part of the archon chimera trap to keep us coming back.. struggling dying in wars famine disease for loosh and then die and repeat again..? Soul trap etc.. law of one implies it's part of the school here to learn and grow why many reincarnate amongst the same soul families playing different roles over many lifetimes.. children play the mother etc.. curious what you think or have been told .. or is it began as a positive process and was hijacked?? Thanks

    1. Reincarnation is a phenomena of the lower worlds or in the worlds of matter, energy, space and time which are all illusions to the true self, the unlimited self - Soul. Reincarnation to most species is as natural a thing as dreaming .... the 'traps' of karma are a slightly different animal yes. Reincarnation and karma are formed/managed/operated by the rulers of the regions 'below' those of pure spirit .... there are many names for those rulers each at a different level and in charge of the mechanics of each 'level' or plane..... many of those names are common in religious texts worldwide. Karma and reincarnation do not exist in the worlds of pure spirit - the true home of soul as there is no 'opposites' or matter, energy, space and time there..... the karma, reincarnation, matter, energy, space and time are tools designed by the agents of God to help educate Soul in how to become a greater expression of divine will/love in all of creation and above. It is all done for our spiritual benefit .... that n that alone. Hope that helps a bit dougJames as that is my understanding/experience.... cheers

    2. I cannot add anything to this superb description of reincarnation. Thank you HuuumanD...!
      With much appreciation, Love and Light.


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