President Trump's Campaign Rally

President Trump's rally sure looked like a campaign rally to me - for an imminent election. He said several times, 'Get ready to vote'. He said 2024 but we Light Warriors know that is only to appease the masses. I believe that was really him too, not a double. And yay, he did an air Q sign as soon as he stepped onto the stage - he had his back to the podium.

Awesome news, and it's from the MSM. A mainstream newspaper has reported Trudeau fleeing from the truck convoy in Ottawa. BOOM.

A reminder of how quickly the 'new normal' crept in for the sleepers. Pass it on.

Another reminder of the 'new normal' that sleepers aren't questioning. Shocking.

New Zealand DS mainstream media is touting new variants almost daily. Pure evil; fearmongering.

Love this meme, thanks George!

Great question...and great answers.

Finally, a shout-out to my lovely friend Emma who has done channellings for this blog and helps to co-write posts. Here is her Telegram channel. She is a tireless researcher in pursuit of the truth.

Emma found an excellent video - I highly recommend it (12 minutes). Dr Graham Lyons, Research Fellow of University of Adelaide, describes the cabal Plandemic and its devastating effect on humanity. Yet he (like me) is full of hope for humanity's future - he KNOWS that we will win.

Dr Lyons actually said in his video, 'We just need to hold the line'. Indeed.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Ditto.💓 Love you Sierra. Thanks for all your hard work for us.

  2. How do I get your blog sent to my email?

    1. Email me at I will put you on my email notification list...

  3. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you.

  4. Queen Romana's convoy will arrive on Parliament Hill Ottawa on February 3 early PM. Looks like a peaceful transition of power to me... Since Vaccine Trudeau is no longer in charge and the clown actor has fled the scene.

    Let us feel the excitement of VICTORY to bring it faster!

    Be well! <3

    P.S. I am now using Firefox. Edge is playing games with Blogger.

  5. Claire Bridges: Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated : The COVID World

    Diagnosed with COVID Myocarditis

  6. Can't wait for MSM to switch narratives and be forced report vax truth. That will be tipping point to me. Also how long does US Military wait to remove unelected actor Biden?
    Cobra blog sat posted
    "L0 emergency situation declared"
    LO is earth plane commenters stated.. no followup as of yet ..


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