It's Official: No Ukraine War

The Russian US ambassador makes it very clear in this TV interview that there will be no Ukraine invasion. 'There are no such plans...' The mainstream media LIES again.

BIG news - Queenie has been diagnosed with the virus. BOOM. Watch for her death/funeral and revelations about the royal family's involvement with child sex trafficking and adrenochrome.

This two minute video excerpt from a Joe Rogan interview spells out the [D]eep [S]tate Great Reset agenda. Klaus Schwab and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair are two of the sinister entities behind it. New Zealand's own DS Prime Minister Ardern did an internship with Blair while he was in office. See how it works...??? Please pass on this important little video, and save it for future red-pilling.

Romanian Member for European Parliament Cristian Terhes makes an impassioned speech about the tyranny of the Canadian dictatorship. He said that he contacted the Canadian truckers and urged them to keep fighting. Awesome.

I have huge respect for Trucker Carlson (Tucker Carlson) - may his nickname live on for decades. Listen to this short excerpt where he spells out the damning TRUTH about Trudeau's actions...'In 2022, tyranny is when they take all your MONEY' (Tucker Carlson).

Tyrannical Trudeau Castro has given authority for freedom truckers pets to be euthanized if they are imprisoned for more than eight days. This level of evil is incomprehensible in 2022.

An emotional Canadian protester just wants freedom for children, and all humanity (1 minute video). Amen to that, fellow Light Warriors.

Watch Ottawa protesters chase away the mainstream media, booing them. Q said, 'They won't be able to walk down the street...' Indeed. It has started.

Brilliant quote about the DS mainstream media.

Looking to the mainstream media for truth is like looking to a prostitute for love.

I have often wondered if Hitler would have gained a foothold if there had been cell phones back then...

The Wellington protest continues with great spirit. The Maori haka in this short video symbolizes the will of the people. Beautiful. That building in the background at the end is our Parliament building - it's known as the Beehive, for obvious reasons. I wonder if there are any politicians in there...?? Maybe they have done a cowardly retreat like their Canadian counterparts.

A short video showing the great spirit of the Ottawa protesters. Whether Wellington, New Zealand or Ottawa, Canada - freedom protesters are loud and PROUD.  Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming. We are with you...!!

This Anon post describes exactly what Light Warriors have endured - we have survived the greatest psychological warfare operation in the history of the world. We are AMAZING...!

Finally, my friend Emma had a wonderful vision late one night recently. She saw herself standing on the edge of a cliff. She leaped off and soared up into the air. She felt overwhelming joy as she soared skywards. Then she heard the words, 'It is done...' We are there, friends.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Pray. Stay in Love. We were meant to be here at this time.

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Jan, we were definitely meant to be here at this time - and there are so many of us awakened now. Yay...! Love and Light to you.

  2. More power to "We The People!" . . . . onward and upward! Love and Light, DD

    1. Onward and upward, indeed. Thanks DD...! Love and Light to you.

  3. It is done! Love it! Alot happening I wonder will Ukraine / Russia be used as the stated ww3 to send the world into global martial law and then make the disclosure announcements, arrests RV etc??
    If not why did Russia move troops tanks missile batteries to the border?

    Back to Queen Romana of Canada she swears she removed mandates Feb 3rd and declared martial law and wants all truckers to go home and her words prepare for ww3.
    She has changed the flag stating the maple leaf is a corporate DS creation ..

    Telegram is where I follow her..what she says makes sense

    1. It seems there will be a global 'scare event' - it has been predicted by so many different sources. It's just a matter of what will it be, and when...
      Love and Light to you, Doug.

    2. I have to say Q Romano is a DS MONGOL

  4. POOF said (Feb 20):
    "The real news is that a major player is about to walk out on the world stage and change the tide of some of these things. They had to allow for the butting of Canada’s citizens to show that these people were not just bluffing…"
    If the butting was the beating I must say I was outraged by it.
    Well... We'll see.
    Be well all.

  5. Happy Birthday Sarah...!!
    Yes, I read that Poof comment. It was great to read confirmation of a major player stepping out on the world stage. As you say, the brutality inflicted on the Canadian protesters was very hard to witness.
    Have a lovely day, this community sends you much love.

    1. Greetings dear Sierra and community.

      Thank you Sierra. I had to remind myself this morning that it is indeed my birthday. A day as usual. I'm glad my body held on all those years because I don't want to miss the shift and what comes afterwards. We all make mistakes but I know I deserve a lot better and that the best is coming (smile). It was written in my astrological chart of 1979. The last part (of my life) would be less of a burden to carry.
      Be well. Keep shining! (smile) HUGZ
      P.S. I cannot stand (anymore) to watch ANY brutality inflicted onto ANY sentient beings whatsoever. Yes, it includes cutting trees and smashing spiders. Certain "beings" need to be taken out no matter the way but I don't need to witness it.

    2. P.S. #2 : Tomorrow should be more exciting... (You are there already - wink)

    3. Interestingly, my astrology chart also shows that the last part of my life will be the best part. Bring it on for both of us - and all humanity!


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