Channelling: Jumping Between 3D and 5D

Jennifer Crokaert channelled this message from the Divine Mother. I completely resonate with it. I feel much better realizing that it is the AWARENESS of my little 'slips' into 3D attitudes that matters. The awareness allows me to raise my vibration again into 5D. Enjoy.

Have you found yourself sliding between worlds, from 5D to 3D and back? Have you felt saddened or disappointed that you were triggered? Regretted that you weren’t able to hold on to love, peace, compassion and understanding?

Let your regret go! What if sliding between the worlds is part of the divinely orchestrated plan? What if that is part of your soul journey, your spiritual contribution to humanity’s ascension?

Let me explain. At present there are two different worlds operating side by side on your planet. There is a world of fear, order, control and reduction, where disempowerment is the overriding framework. There is also a world of love, wisdom, compassion and expansion where sovereignty is the overriding framework.

Light workers are firmly in this second world, in the 5D world or society. Until they aren’t; until someone shreds your last nerve, until you no longer can take the pressure around you, until an ancient wound explodes for healing, triggered by a seemingly innocuous event.

When that happens, most of My Beautiful Children fall into disappointment, regret and even shame. There is no need. Those are wounded responses, they are not the truth of you and your relationship with Me. We are beyond those old programmes: I love you unconditionally. I love you every time you fall and I love every fall you experience, just as much as I love every success you experience. That is My promise of unconditional love for You.

What you see as lapse or a stumble, I see as part of the Divine Expansion. Every time you get lost in the lower vibrations of pain, fear, anger, disappointment, revenge, gossip, retaliation, greed… and notice where you are, you contribute to the Divine Expansion. That moment of noticing, of awareness and shifting back to compassion, forgiveness, understanding and eventually love and peace is crucial. It doesn’t even matter how long it takes to re-center yourself: it only matters that you undertake the journey to re-center in love.

Every time you move from a lower emotion to a higher emotion, you strengthen the pathway from the 3D to the 5D. Every time you move from fear to love, you reinforce the portal between the 3D and 5D. Every time you move from powerless to sovereign, you download codes, templates to transition between the 3D and 5D.

The pathway from the 3D to the 5D used to be a solitary journey of ascension and personal illumination. Now it is a collective path: humanity rise together. Millions of you volunteered to be the way showers, not by getting it right all the time, but by getting it ‘wrong’, and showing the pathway from the darkness to the light.

You are dancing between worlds My Beautiful Children, embrace the journey, even while you look forward to the destination, because the journey is your gift to humanity and the destination is your gift to your self.

(c) Jennifer Crokaert 2022

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. Thank you Sierra! Holding the light!

    1. Great to hear from you, Doug. We are all in this together!

    2. Yes.. I follow cobra on his blog.. he had a post last week "L0 state of emergency declared" no followup with any details. Prepare for change

  2. Amazing! great to hear that! :)💜💜

    1. I agree Jayde. Love and Light to you, see you soon...!

  3. Love it! Totally resonates with me, too! Love and Light, Sierra!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. My dear Sierra and beloved others, its only my oppinion, that it may not be a matter of staying in one world or another. What if it is about the experience of the MIDDLE (absolut balance) in us and keeping this inner state as normal? The pendulum of life will always swing in a dual world from left to right, deep to high...., but the question is whether we are swinging along or staying more and more stably in "balance" within ourselves? Then it is no longer a question whether 3,4 or 5D levels - because in our true inner balance we are everything we chose!!!! Sorry, if it is perhaps a little confusing how I express myself, but I learned this only recently. When we are in this inner balance, then we also experience past, present and future as timeless, because one and experience wonderful prophetic, but very real dreams, which may well concern a possible future. Experienced it myself and it's unbelievably great! Light, love and lakes for all of us on this wonderful roller coaster ride into our NEW BEING. Be blessed !

    1. Hi Bigi...I am so conscious now of the vital importance of the B word. Balance. That's why I don't spend all day at my laptop researching intel etc. I go outside and walk in the fresh air. At night, I might switch off with a comedy DVD. I attempt to keep as balanced as possible. Practicing gratitude is very important, and I am learning to add 'forgive myself' to the mix. Love and Light to you!

  6. WOW. I really needed to hear this! It makes me feel so, so, so much better!! And yet... somehow I did know this. My own conditioning as a child that we should be ashamed of our "negative" emotions is being chipped away more and more every day. My feelings of inadequacy for not "doing" enough is a 3D concept that I am also losing. And my feelings of disgust for those around me, who are still living in their fear, have been changing to compassion. Thank you SO much for sharing this!!

    1. This channelling was a big relief to me too. I realized that I have been very hard on myself when I have 3D 'slippages'. Of course, we do...! We Light Warriors have to navigate between the dimensions constantly, all day every day. As we get better at it, that's probably when we give ourselves a hard time for 'slipping'. Before we show compassion to 3D humanity, we need to show it to ourselves, like putting on our oxygen mask first before helping our children.

  7. Thanks Tim, I will check it out - don't forget to send me an email at Will be great to hear from you...

  8. Bhole Baba Ki Jai!!! We are, indeed, all in this together, along with the Planet! With wonderful people like you as companions, how is what we are all going through not a blessing?

  9. What a lovely comment, thank you! It is a huge blessing that we are all in this together. We will never forget this time of global unity among Light Warriors. WWG1WGA...!


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