'They Set Out To Kill As Many People As Possible...'

Dr Reiner Fuellmich presents shocking evidence that the jab companies systematically set out to 'kill as many people as possible...' This video (17') is an absolute must-watch. Please pass it on. Vital information.

Dr Fuellmich: 'They set out to kill as many people as possible without alerting people and causing alarm. How can people be so evil...This was planned for at least three decades...it's a psychological operation - how to get the population to panic. The people behind it are psychopaths or sociopaths...'

It seems that the truth is about to explode onto the global stage - the jab is inducing AIDS. Prepare for shock and devastation on a massive scale.

News out of Ottawa from a trucker - it is rumored that riot police may enter the city and remove the truckers. Please pass this little video on. Comms may go dark from the truckers if their cell phones are seized.

We The People are fighting back, as peacefully as possible. A New Zealander at the Wellington freedom rally says that it's about the mandates - no one should be forced to be jabbed. 

It's a peaceful protest in Wellington yet police moved in and arrested 120 people - and they are determined to arrest plenty more. These news photos tell a story that will go down in history once the truth is known.

Freedom-loving Australians have gathered in capital city Canberra. There is a call-out for a convoy to drive to Canberra on Saturday 12th February. It's wonderful to see people united - jabbed or un-jabbed, doesn't matter.

Sweden has officially declared the pandemic to be over. Awesome news.

Here is Brazilian President Bolsonaro travelling in an open car, waving to cheering crowds. This Anon makes a good point - when was the last time you saw Ardern, Macron, Trudeau etc travelling in an open car, waving to cheering crowds..? The answer is easy - NEVER. They know they are deeply hated and would never dare to do it. Instead they pay their corrupt MSM to promote lies about their 'popularity'.

The controllers of the slavery and genocide on this planet. It is not 'elected politicians' - they are lowly puppets.

Now the [D]eep [S]tate puppets are saying that 'the science has changed' as they drop the un-popular mask and jab mandates. Never forget the devastation they caused to humanity. They don't get to walk away without consequences.

This emotional man shares an experience when he shopped mask-less in a grocery store and was greeted by a little girl. I have had several encounters with little children in supermarkets where I smiled (mask-less) at them and they gazed at me with big smiles. I get it, I really do.

I like these thoughts from Pepe Lives Matter...

Thoughts from yours truly:
From a strategy standpoint I was thinking that it might make more sense for Trump to come back publicly shortly after the mid-terms this year but not before. Let the red wave happen then come back with a full the best possible set of cards in hand. Regardless, he could come back before and I'd prefer that.
But if it is a red wave and they don't cheat enough to stop it then it could show that Trump has more support than ever before. Then he can drop the storm revelations/booms and Durham and the military can do what they need to do. To those who are concerned about the vote just consider Trump's seeming level of concern: Zero?
Trump was dancing this week like he hadn't a care in the world. I think he knows how the movie ends.
The major pillars of Babylon have been exposed like we've never seen before so people will be much more ready for the storm. The harvest is ripe.
It's been beneficial for Biden to remain in office for the Awakening considering Trump wants the country to be united as much as possible before the D5 avalanche. He's played the patient game and that will pay off in massive dividends in the end. Although it was most painful for anons..it was the least painful for the rest of the world.
We are on the best timeline.
However long it takes I remain absolutely confident in what's happening and I know that we will all be there for and with each other during each series of event. Joy is coming. No one can convince me otherwise.

Finally, thank you Light Warriors for your lovely birthday wishes in the Comments. There are too many to acknowledge individually - but I read and appreciate every one of them. This community is amazing and I'm very grateful to you all.

Buckle up. It seems the ride is about to get VERY bumpy with different narratives crumbling in every direction.We trained for this moment. We are the bravest of the brave, always remember it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ’œ

  2. Buckle up is right! Hang on...we're in the storm! Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. We are, Jan, indeed...! We are so fortunate to be part of a great global community of Light Warriors. We are NOT alone in this battle that will end in definite victory for the Light. Love and Light to you!

  3. Wow thanks for all of this esp the Reiner one , I think I’d watched part of it before but not the whole thing. I was watching just now about them experimenting to see which vax
    doses kill the most people in a delayed therefore undetectable fashion. And wondering how do they know how to link specific jabs with deaths down the line? Realized by the end of the video that the answer is tracking provided by the jab..?

    1. The massive deception and scale of evil is almost incomprehensible, Faith. Almost. When we study the [S]atanists over their long history, we must expect this kind of evil from them. That's why we must HOLD our ground - fight them to the end. Love, Light and hugs to you.

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  7. I love all your posts. Happy Birthday, fellow Aquarian.

    1. Lovely to hear from you Brenda - fellow Aquarian, yay...!!

  8. Dear Sierra,

    Happy 21st Birthday Cutie...love ya!!.


    Love and Light,

    1. Hi Stephan. You are so sweet...!! My 21st birthday is a wee way back in my rear vision mirror but I don't feel my age. Being a pensioner now, and being paid by our evil PM to spread the truth about her and her heinous colleagues gives me immense satisfaction. Love and Light to you, my friend!

  9. My husband and I don't watch much mainstream television, but on the commercials we see on Discovery Plus I've noticed many more medical commercials for various illnesses that I hadn't seen them advertising, ever... including for HIV. I knew instinctively that all of these new drugs were for the various side effects the vaccines are giving (or going to give) people, and it sickens me.

    I SO wish my husband was well enough, and we would have gone up to Ottawa to join the protests with the truckers.

    1. HI Deb and George. Of course, you would have both loved to go to Ottawa. Your hearts are there and that really matters. Keeping an eye on the MSM is not fun but we do learn some important info, eg those new drugs. I am seeing more deaths announced in our local newspaper, over double. Love, Light and hugs to you both, my lovely friends.

  10. Just a little thought on DJT coming back after mid-terms: first of all, unless voter fraud is exposed, I don't think enough people have confidence in the integrity of the current election system (I know I don't). Plus, I thought according to the Laws of War 11.3, that elections have to be held within 120 days of the expiration (i.e. January 20). I don't think most who know these things will sit still until November. Especially since the White Hats have been about doing things according to the law. Just thinking out loud...
    Happy belated birthday, Sierra, love and light to you! ๐Ÿ˜

    1. Agreed it has to happen soon damn soon or civil war ...we need all shut down all truth made known

  11. Hi Moon Goddess, thank you for the birthday wishes! And I think your thoughts are very interesting - especially the bit about those of us in the know not waiting until Nov when we can see that everything is on the edge right now. I think President Trump's endorsement of candidates now is an excellent sign. Love and Light to you.

  12. Much love to you Sierra for all the Light you bring!

  13. Because of my background, I read most of the gab post on aids, stupid vs. weak people, etc.
    Fascinating and sad, since I've worked with all kinds of patients. I keep blessing them on their journey. I also watched my local TV stations (rarely watch MSM) with keen interest this morning talking about the truckers blocking the bridge from Detroit to Windsor. lol Cheering them on!
    Of course, in this neck-of-the-woods, the conversation was mostly about not having parts for various vehicles. Waiting to see the show-down (or not) this Sunday at SoFi stadium. DD


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