Alliance Taken Over EBS...??

This article from Real Raw News is VERY exciting. It describes a recent Alliance military operation to storm the highly-secure DUMB (Deep Underground Military base) that houses the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System). It appears that the Alliance now has control of the EBS. We can expect it to be used any day now. BOOM.

Many Anons believe that Real Raw News is an Alliance military website that shares intel about the operation to take down the [D]eep [S]tate. The level of detail in RRN stories is always extraordinary. If the stories are fake, they are extremely well written. I believe they are true. 

BP from Starship Earth included this message from Telegram about saline jabs. It seems like a credible explanation - please use your discernment as always.

I do believe a large portion of the vaQ shots are saline or placebo that was distributed by The Alliance Military, which was part of Qperation Warpspeed — they knew that convid & the vaQz were going to be released as bio-weapons in their depopulation agenda.

The lockdown & variants would continue til 2025 & they would slowly release their vaQ, by the time it comes out, it would be FDA approved & the whole entire human race would be forced to take it. The whole global economy would be destroyed by then & the satanic globalist could do anything they want at this point.

So The Alliance & Trump released an experimental vaQ before the end of Trump’s term — rushed, unfinished, with ZERO effectiveness & authorized for emergency use only — distributed by The Alliance Military (placebo shots). This foiled the DS plan & they hated it. The same groups that now push for mandatory vaQ in the beginning all spoke out against “Trump’s vaQine.”

Lies by CDC, WHO, NIH & all the parties involved are also being exposed (Fraudci emails) — along with how ineffective & harmful the vaQz truly are. The DS narrative is crumbling fast because now they have to rush their whole 5-year agenda into less than one year. This is why their campaign is so aggressive — we went from “jabs for free donuts, ice cream, joints, lotto tickets & even lap dances” to now you must have vaQ passports & mandatory jabs at jobs. MANY PEOPLE including the normies are waking up to this whole mess. ✨👁✨

I’ve had inside info that some of the shots are saline or placebo. Even the fake-checkers have “debunked” this story which makes it even more creditable. The stories below are also further proof that it is true & while this is true, it’s NOT true that ALL the shots are safe. Shots are being produced & distributed all over the world. For instance, batches of bad vaQz could be sent to a warehouse in Los Angeles & it’s distributed throughout all the local CVS. There’s no way they could all be confiscated. There are very real potential dangers in these shots. These vaQz are truly Russian roulette — so far more than 500k adverse reactions! ☠

This MSM news clip speaks volumes for China's role in helping President Trump and Putin bring peace to humanity. It also highlights the appalling ignorance and rudeness of the TV anchor.

This Fox News clip proves that Joe [B]iden was a DIRECT beneficiary of Hunter's treasonous dealings with Russia, Ukraine and China. Bear in mind, this is [D]eep [S]tate connections in all three countries - not Putin in Russia or Xi Jin Ping in China.

Hunter [B]iden's firm provided funding for bio-weapon labs in Ukraine - and John Kerry's son was involved.

Here is a short video from 2019 with President Trump telling reporters about [B]iden's corrupt links to Ukraine.

USA/Hollywood is playing a role in manufacturing the Ukraine 'war'. Here is proof.

If you have any doubts about the strong connection between President Trump and Putin, check out this 15" video. No words necessary.

The UK Daily Mail published the truth about inflated virus deaths. What pandemic...?? Oh, and Twitter censored this story. Over the target, much.

I love this message from Pepe Lives Matter...

Hear me out Patriots:
We need an anon celebration tour after everything goes our way.
I can see it now....
Battle hardened anons who held the line in the midst of despair holding true to our WWG1WGA mantra and finally coming into the day where visible justice explodes onto the scene.
All of our spirits renewed.
The sound of Reees and clinking of drinks.
The celebration will be legendary.

Finally, a meme for battle-weary Light Warriors, everywhere. We are AWESOME.

There is plenty happening, friends. Stay positive. We have so much to look forward to - just a slight bump in the road to navigate first...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. So much wow! All such amazing news!!

  2. Thanks Jayde...!! It's a great feeling finding so much good news to share with you all. We can finally see real progress. Yay..!!

  3. Let's celebrate! Yippee! Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Jan, I will definitely organize a blog community party when I get to USA. We have to all meet each other...!! Love and Light.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love and Light to you...!

  5. Great collection Sierra! And I’d not heard of Jack Maxey, mentioned on Pepe Lives Matter since that Anons celebration tweet you referenced. Go look .

    1. Yes, I have read about Jack's work. There are so many amazing unsung Light Warrior heroes out there. I hope we get to see all their work when the dust settles.

  6. Is there a way I can send you a recent post that God led me to write about fear and psalm 23?

    1. Hi there...could you include excerpts in a comment, if it's a long post..? Sorry, it is the only way to share it with this community.

    2. WAKE UP PEOPLE! The world is pushing fear on everyone. It's everywhere, it's relentless. How you react determines your destiny. You have to choose, there may not be a tomorrow.
      So what's the answer? Love, and God has given you the training manual. It's found in Psalm 23.

      The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want
      (full submission and acceptance to His will, not yours)
      He makes me to lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside the still waters.
      (with submission comes peace)
      He restores my soul, He leads me in paths of righteousness for His names sake
      (restore your soul and you restore your connection with God)
      Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me, your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
      (your enemy, the devil, will try to fill you with fear and doubt but your rod and staff, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, will guide and comfort you)
      You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over.
      (God shows your enemies that you are now favored of Him, so much so that your life overflows with blessings)
      Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever
      (walking with the Lord you will be blessed, even when you can't see it, and your destiny is secured with the Lord..... Forever!)
      So remember, choose love in everything you do. The next time someone cuts you off in traffic, bless him, maybe he has an emergency, maybe he's a bozo. Someone cheats you maybe it was a mistake, maybe not, but he's cheating himself, not you. Bottom line...... maintain your relationship with God through love..... He will take care of the rest!
      Love you all! Walk with him now through the darkness!

    3. 'Choose Love in everything you do...' That's such a wonderful message. Thank you, Love and Light to you.

  7. Thank you Sierra your posts help me keep going.. once you know its all lie and you are in a prison planet 3D nothing here matters.. it's all BS to me. So we keep trying to stay positive.. keep waiting for a domino to fall.. 11.3
    11.4 .. all that Q trust the plan .. but so far nothing visible yet ...RV Queen dying .. nuclear scare.. I welcome it!!

    1. Thanks for your comments, Doug - I always appreciate your input. Bring on the big dominos...!


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