Pfizer Whistle-blower: 'Nano-bots In Jab'

A Pfizer whistle-blower who worked for the company for ten years confirms that there are parasites and nano-bots in the jab. There are images in this video of jab vials with contents that GLOW. She recommends that people do not get the jab.

German politician Christine Anderson delivers a blistering speech at the European Parliament against Trudeau. That's two speeches within two days from the EU denouncing Trudeau as a dictator. Watch this space.

Great message from a favorite Anon, Pepe Lives Matter.

If it wasn't for Trump, Q and anons I would care very little about politics and world events.
I certainly wouldn't be posting online as an anonymous frog nor would I have made so many frens.
God used them to pull back the veil so that I could see the battle of good vs evil in a remarkably clear way. No longer is this war found just in some kind of vague mystical plane...but rather it is a tangible struggle with real people moving that tug of war in one way or another and definable actions occurring that change the course of human history.
While sheep concern themselves about what food to eat or what TV show to watch I've exited the Matrix on some level and can see an epic battle happening right before my eyes. Although the gift of vision can be seen as both a burden and a blessing...I prefer to view this as an incredible blessing. I'm awake and participating in the great war of our time and I get to meme while doing it.
God bless Trump, Anons and Q.
The hour is remarkable and we've got a rag tag group of battle hardened digital soldiers here for every minute of it.

There has been discussion in the Comments Section about preparing for food shortages. I will explain my own situation. I live in a rural town on a ordinary size section - I don't have a veggie garden, just some herbs. I have never felt the nudge from my friends Upstairs to compulsively store huge amounts of food for long periods of time. Instead, I ensure that I have around 3-4 weeks worth of food at any time. I see myself as an average person and I believe that the Alliance will take care of the needs of humanity.

Finally, I had an interesting experience last night. I was driving down a steep winding road late at night - a friend was in the car with me. I turned a corner and suddenly saw a large rock right in the middle of the road. I had only a split-second to react. Instantly I heard these words in my mind, 'Aim for the middle and keep driving. Don't swerve.' So I held the wheel tight, steered for the middle and there was a huge crunching sound as my car drove over the rock. It was not a good feeling.

This morning I took the car to be checked over. The mechanic said, 'You were so lucky. It could have been a horror story. Because you drove straight through the middle, the rock missed all the expensive parts of the car. There is just damage to the muffler. In my yard right now is a car with $9,000 worth of damage after hitting a rock. You dodged a bullet.'

My point here...The Event will suddenly appear in our lives like that rock on the road. No warning. You will have to react instantly. I recommend that you hold tight and take the middle path. Keep your balance. Don't swerve. It will be shocking for a short moment, and there may be a little bit of damage, but you will recover quickly. It seems that I had a practice run before the real thing...!

Keep your vibration high, Light Warriors. Support each other. Phone calls, visits. I was blessed with both today.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Deep breaths! We've got this! Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. Great reminder about deep breathing, Jan. Good advice! Love and Light.

  2. So glad to hear you're okay... and your car is okay as well. I think we've all kind of had these small moments (probably not as big as that one) where the power goes out or the internet goes down and we stop and wonder "Is this it?" I don't remember being anything but excited when that has happened, so so far I'm in the right head-space, even if some days are more of a struggle than others. It IS both a blessing and a curse to be awake knowing what's happening (for the most part).

    My biggest question is... are we here to help those who have to awaken POLITICALLY, or SPIRITUALLY, either (depending on the person), or both?

    1. The answer to your big question is very simple, Deb - We are not here to awaken anyone anymore. That time is over. Everyone had their chance. They could have awoken by now. Therefore it will be a mass shock awakening when the Event happens. We did everything we could to spread the TRUTH - every single Light Warrior did. Please rest easy now.

  3. I have suspected for the past year that the PCR testing that I endured in July 2020 is the cause of the unknown parasite that infested my body for months, only to finally be eradicated in Jan 2021 with the use of ivermectin. Then my new partner decided to get the jab without telling me. That was in April of last year. By early May I started taking ivermectin prophylactically, (thankyou Frontline Doctors), every two weeks. Twice I tested the waters and by the third week had started to have cold symptoms and some itchies. I have also had more occurrences of herpes outbreaks during this past year than I remember dealing with. I am still with my partner, loving him deeply, counting on the triumph of the Light to raise us all beyond this reach of this deception.
    I hope that the sharing of my experience casts further Light of Truth into our collective knowledge. Namaste.

    1. Invermectin is proving to be the miracle therapy for parasites and cancers. Thank you for sharing your experience - I know it will reassure and help a lot of people in this community. Love and Light to you.

  4. Thanks Caroline, Love and Light to you!

  5. Sierra your car experience was unbelievable!! Glad you heard the guidance and were able to follow it!!! And dodged the worst!! Hugs! ❤️❤️❤️💙💙💙🌈🌈🌈

    1. Faith, I look back at that experience and wonder if I would/could have done anything differently, but there was no time to think. That's why staying calm and listening to my intuition paid off. Very glad I did...!!


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