Putin's Impending Announcement

President Putin will soon announce the specific reasons for why he sanctioned USA INDIVIDUALS. This could be the first big domino to fall. If so, buckle up because it means the ride will get bumpy and wild very quickly. We have EXPECTED this to happen, Light Warriors. Hold your ground and stay calm. The Alliance has everything under full control. And I cannot repeat often enough: there will categorically be NO nuclear detonations, even if the [D]eep [S]tate threatens it.

Take 90 seconds to watch this video of President Putin explaining the Russian operation in Ukraine. He has solid PROOF of bio-weapon labs in Ukraine that were experimenting on deadly pathogens including anthrax and cholera - all with the full guidance and financial support of the PENTAGON. Pass this video on. The truth MUST be told.

This 26 second video features Senator [O]bama being shown anthrax vials in a Ukraine bio-weapon lab in 2005. Q always said regarding evidence of [D]eep [S]tate treason: 'We have it all...'

Putin with a powerful message to people in Western countries - the elites do not care about us. More TRUTH that must be shared far and wide.

Here is our President Trump calling out the Ukraine corruption during his (public) presidency while sitting beside Ukraine Prime Minister Zelensky. Priceless - and it only took seven seconds.

TV Host Whoopi Goldberg is calling for Tucker Carlson to be ARRESTED for doing his job as a journalist of informing people about the Ukraine bio-labs. Projection, much.

We are just now awaiting the first domino that will trigger the global financial collapse. It could be any one of these potential triggers: Putin's reasons for sanctioning the DS individuals...Saudia Arabia is considering replacing the US Dollar with the Chinese Yuan for Chinese oil sales...China is set to 'invade' Taiwan (clear out the DS bio-labs and sex-trafficking hubs)...announcement of the Queen's death (FINALLY)...[B]iden being removed from the Presidency...new elections due to 2020 election fraud.

Here is the story of Saudia Arabia and the Chinese Yuan for oil sales. This will have huge ramifications for the global markets if it goes ahead.

The global situation is teetering on a knife edge right now for those of us with ears to hear and eyes to see. We KNOW that the 3D illusion is about to implode. What pandemic...?? Oh, that was yesterday's 'news'. Today's story is Ukraine. Tomorrow it will be nuclear war...etc etc etc. The [D]eep [S]tate is running out of global catastrophes. The liberation of humanity is looking to be a very bright prospect.

Finally, I have to tease a lovely Light Warrior friend with whom I spent a fun afternoon drinking tea and playing card games. She said, 'You haven't written your post yet...? I checked.' I replied, 'It's pretty tricky to do when I am sitting here having a fun time with you instead...' So this post is dedicated to her, and she will remain nameless...!!

I thoroughly recommend setting aside plenty of leisure time with like-minded friends. Board and card games have become the favorite activity in my Light Warrior circle. We can forget the tensions of the 3D world for a few hours - and there are always plenty of laughs. You will have noticed that these posts are now often being published late in the evening NZ time. It's because of these fun afternoons.

Stay positive. As I said, that first big domino - the one we have been holding our breath for - is about to tumble. And we are SO ready for it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. This is a great post!! Love and Light, Sierra! Thanks for the links!

  2. Snap...!! Jan, I was just thinking about you and here you are. What amazing timing! It is 9.28pm here in NZ and it seems that it is the early hours where you are...??? I am thrilled to have your company. Love, Light and a BIG hug...!!

  3. Replies
    1. It can, absolutely agree...! It's all up to Divine timing now for the Alliance plan.

  4. Very beautiful🍷🍷🍷

    1. Thank you Franco - I really appreciate your presence. Love and Light to you!

  5. Haha thanks Sierra, I really enjoyed our time together yesterday...time sure flies when you're having fun! Xx

    1. It does indeed, Megan. Re-match coming up soon...!! Hugs to you.

  6. So glad to hear that you are letting yourself have some fun. I have been trying to do that for myself as well... which is getting a bit easier now that Spring seems to have finally arrived in the US. Thanks for all that you do, hon! Honestly, your posts have been a ray of insanity in all this Darkness.

    1. Thanks Deb. I am just trying to keep myself sane every day. Sometimes I have moments when I think I am going crazy but then I remember that I am NOT alone. We are all in this together, bonded for eternity by this shared experience. Love, Light and hugs to you and George.

  7. I had a great dream last night, that I was carrying around some printed materials confirming the fact that we are about to have a Complete Paradigm Shift!! Wooooooo

    1. Awesome, Faith. I LOVE your dreams...!! Yep, we are right there, my friend.

  8. Often, music speaks directly to us though sometimes hidden and not often in the time frame we wish ..... having pointed that way I do see some relevance in the words/lyrics of a Van Halen song from the 80's ..... album 5150 .... track 7 - Love Walks in ..... 5 min 11 sec long if rock is your thing ...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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