Q Drop: 'March Madness'

Here is Q drop number 951 from 15th March 2018. The four year delta/anniversary would be 15th March 2022 - the annual infamous [s]atanic Ides of March. It would be the perfect day for releasing the entire TRUTH to humanity. Watch this space. Please use discernment, as with all dates. It's fun to speculate...! This link takes you to all the Q drops - if you are not familiar with the Q movement/intel, dive in and have fun. It's all there.

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 26e3a8 No.678302 📁  
March madness.
Public will know soon.

Here is an excellent meme featuring the famous Q quote: 'You can't tell the people; you have to show them.'

BP at Starship Earth shared a comment from Simon Parkes that I completely resonate with...

He is so correct that it seems to be only the awakened and spiritual people among us who are suffering. The normies go about their lives oblivious to most of what is unfolding and the brave warriors are the ones paying the price. It's really not fair...Stay positive and know that it had to happen this way. A brilliant, strategic, and complex plan is unfolding and as Simon pointed out, we have off-world help. It will take time, however. (BP Starship Earth)

I live in a retirement area - I am surrounded by triple-jabbed MSM-hooked 'normies' who are happily living their daily lives without a care in the world. I agree with Simon and BP - it can seem very unfair. We brave Light Warriors have indeed paid the price for humanity's liberation, most of whom will never understand what we endured during this stressful time.

I know that the sleepers will suffer when they awaken, probably far worse than we have thus far. That thought does not give me vengeful pleasure, not at all. Instead I already feel compassion for their impending suffering. They may experience emotional reactions that we haven't had - remorse and guilt for being so gullible and trusting of their government and media.

Blog reader Wayne published in a comment an excerpt from Ben Fulford's latest newsletter that is of great interest to RV/GCR followers and currency holders...

Benjamin Fulford: "Since the UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state, and Russia is the legal successor of the USSR, the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia. In other words, the so-called Ukraine invasion is a police action taking place within the borders of Russia."

"This led to the replacement of SWIFT with the quantum financial system. If you’ve made an international transfer lately, you’ll know because instead of the alphabetical SWIFT system, you now need a number to make a transfer." (eraoflight.com)

On to other news...

Here is proof that the MSM is LYING about the Ukraine 'war'. CNN used pics of an explosion in Ukraine in 2015 to illustrate their latest story. Disgusting.

Inside information from Ukraine that paints a vastly different picture to what the MS is portraying - in fact it is the [D]eep [S]tate that is bombing citizens. Putin is focusing on destroying DS bioweapon labs and military installations.
Finally, oh my goodness, this 12 second video is priceless...! Enjoy.
Stay calm, Light Warriors. There is so much happening already in March Madness - and it's only the 1st March in the Northern Hemisphere. Fasten your seat belt and stock up on popcorn.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jayde - hugs to you and your family!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, lovely to see your hearts...!

  3. "... the sleepers will suffer ... remorse and guilt for being so gullible and trusting of their government and media." And ... especially for shooting the messengers!!! smh ... DD

    1. That is very true, DD. I am experiencing that almost every day from loved ones. Sigh. Enormous patience required by us Light Warriors. The truth will prevail and be seen by ALL.

  4. Here's more March madness - use your discretion: https://realrawnews.com/2022/03/putin-bombs-biden-owned-villa-in-ukraine-while-hammering-biolabs-pedophile-rings/


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