The TRUTH About Ukraine

The Canadian Russian Embassy has issued a comprehensive statement with the TRUTH about what Russia is doing in Ukraine. BOOM. This statement destroys the lying MSM narrative. Please spread it far and wide.

Here is the truth about the Ukraine situation directly from a Ukrainian shop owner - she refused to let a Russian soldier pay for his purchases to thank him for liberating her country.

Big Tech is blocking Russian news outlets to prevent the truth about Ukraine reaching the rest of the world.

The floods in Eastern Australia are horrific - and incomprehensible for this time of year. It is usually tinder dry with the ever-present danger of huge bush fires raging out of control. Contrast that with the images in this Guardian story about the floods. It has to be [D]eep [S]tate weather weapons. There is no other plausible explanation.

The protest in Wellington, New Zealand has been overwhelmed by the police and ended. Throughout the entire 23 days the protesters were camped in front of Parliament Buildings, PM Ardern did not speak with them once. She doesn't care about the impact of jab mandates on New Zealanders. We will NEVER FORGET.

A USA judge has unsealed 400 pages of evidence in a case against Pfizer, clearing the way for a whistle-blower lawsuit.

Not surprisingly Pfizer stocks are plummeting by the day. It will soon all be over for the [D]eep [S]tate jab companies.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis makes his position on masks crystal clear in this little video. Love the eye-roll...!

Finally, I love this image of President Trump shaking hands with military personnel. Look at the expressions on their faces - they have huge respect for the man they consider their REAL Commander-in-Chief.

I believe the recent intel by Juan O'Savin that Antarctica is a [D]eep [S]tate base. I clearly recall John Kerry visiting Antarctica on the day of the 2016 election. I remember that it seemed extremely fishy - the location of his visit and the timing of Election Day.

Keep up the great work, Light Warriors. We are WINNING. Just tying up loose ends now. Stay patient. All is well.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Jayde, always lovely to hear from you...!

  2. Thanks Caroline, I appreciate your hearts...!

  3. I love the respect our warriors have for President Trump! Happy Tears!

    Love and Light, Sierra!

    1. I love that photo, Jan - it is so heart-warming. Those big brawny soldiers LOVE President Trump (and there were women in the photo too..!) You cannot fake that kind of love and respect.

  4. Have you heard anything about the Arks underground?

    One in Antarctica and one is in the Ukraine.

    Not sure if this is true or not, but just adds more things that make me go hmm...


    1. Hi Lambert - Dr Michael Salla has published articles about the Arks - I haven't had time to check them out yet. Go to His material is excellent.

    2. Yes, I've read these, just seeing if anyone else has anything to back it up.

    3. I haven't seen anything else - if you do, please let me know. Thanks!

  5. Replies
    1. The TRUTH is pouring out now - the words Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming are totally relevant.

    2. Indeed. I stand corrected . . . lol

    3. Sorry, DD...! I didn't realize how my comment appeared to contradict yours. Hugs to you, my friend.

  6. I don't know why, but that picture of Trump with the US military - the smiles on all their faces - made me tear right up.

    1. Me too, Deb. Something about the look on their faces, huge respect and love for our Commander-in-Chief. When have we EVER seen that for Biden...???


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