[B]iden Expected To Contract [C]ovid

The (fake) White House Press Secretary has stated to expect [B]iden to contract [C]OVID - Alliance code for being arrested. Hunter's laptop has become a D5 avalanche, roaring down the mountain to engulf all [D]eep [S]tate players in its path (Q refers to D5 several times).

A list of notorious [D]eep [S]taters who have all been declared [C]ovid positive in the last 36 hours. The pace is quickening. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

General Milley and Secretary Austin threw [B]iden under the bus in this grilling by Senator Blackburn. Impeach [B]iden. It is the only course of action after this explosive admission of his guilt by a top General.

Wow, my faith in the future of journalism just got restored by an intelligent gutsy young man. Watch as he decimates CNN during a Q and A. Love it.

Q said to 'Watch the pen...' It seems that France may elect Le Pen ahead of Macron in their election. BOOM.

An excellent three minute expose on the deadly Pfizer jab. Hundreds of healthy young athletes have died of heart attacks after getting jabbed. Please pass this video on - the stats and information are shocking but the truth must be shared.

Please take two minutes to watch the trailer for the upcoming truther movie 'Sound of Freedom'. It is the insider story of child sex-trafficking. It will break your heart. It is supposed to. Thank God for two Light Warrior heroes, Tim Ballard and Jim Caviezel. This movie needs to be released NOW.

Protesters are calling for Disney to be boycotted after widespread evidence of pedophilia in the organization. Disney Cruises took children on 'snorkeling trips' to Epstein Island. Sickening.

A meme with a powerful message (I want to add that these people have not been PUBLICLY arrested - I am sure many of them have been tried by military tribunals behind the scenes).

Meanwhile Down Under, there's a lot of heat on government officials. South Australia's Chief Health Officer was surrounded by a mob of angry people.

An irate pensioner cornered the Australian PM. We can expect to see a lot more angry people as they become aware of the shocking truth about the government lies.

Here in New Zealand - in an unprecedented move - our three top health officials all suddenly resigned at once. As my Kiwi Light Warriors friends are saying, 'The rats are fleeing the sinking ship...' It's a great sign that the [D]eep [S[tate is capitulating.

Finally, a reminder of how important we Light Warriors and digital soldiers are to the Alliance operation. We are needed, every single one of us, to pass on the TRUTH to humanity.

There is so much happening - truth is being revealed in all directions. Who would have imagined two years ago that Disney would be boycotted...? The [D]eep [S]tate [s]atanic empire is being systematically destroyed. We Light Warriors do our mission work to liberate humanity, particularly the children. I loved Disneyland. I want to see Disneyland restored to a magical place that can be safely and happily enjoyed by children (of all ages).


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Outstanding post, Sierra! Thanks for the great links! Love and Light, and big hugs!!

    1. Thank you Jan, that is such a lovely thing to say...! Love, Light and big hugs right back at you...

  2. YES, Great Post and Links! Much Love Light and Hugs Dear Sierra<3

    1. Thanks Ewa, lovely to hear from you...! Love and Light and hugs.


  3. Greetings dear Sierra and all! <3

    Breitbart: “We risk assess just like everybody out in the country and it’s important for him to be able to continue to do his presidential duties, now and even if he tests positive for the future,” Psaki said.
    She declined to say when Biden would be tested again for the virus, and said it was up to the presidential physician.
    “We will provide the information to you when he tests negative… or either way of course,” Psaki added.

    Aren't they supposed to be tested every single day before meeting with each other?? According to the protocol imposed on the population that is. So why wouldn't Psaki say when he would be tested next? O_o

    Next. Disney. I've been there once in 1985 and I loved it. We the People already knew 2 years ago that it was corrupt but the fact that many are now boycotting it tells about the big awakening happening. With the amount of facts and truths revealed out there...

    Same for people telling the rulers their truth to their corrupt faces. So many have refrained from doing so before. I know I would have told any of them should I have met in person. I did so a bit on Facebook and Twitter and they blocked me of course. Btw, no more Facebook for me. I wanted to change my Bday date to be less visible and they are now asking for a copy of my driver's license (to make sure it's me) and there's no way they will get that. So bubye Facebook. And I'm still waiting to have access to my Twitter acct with my decision not to delete Starship Earth's post mentioning HCQ (NOT Covid) back in April 2021.

    When was it that satanic Macron was "elected"? Anyways... I intuitively knew - as was the case for Bush Jr and others - that it had to be Le Pen and I was routing for her but she "lost".

    Tks for the channeling via Ron Head. I read all your articles Sierra.

    Be well.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Sarah, some great info and insights. The TRUTH is pouring out now and it will set humanity free. It had to be this way. Congrats on freeing yourself from FB. I have never done FB - I am grateful to Light Warrior friends who are fighting the battle in that arena.

    2. I went to Disneyland Orlando in 1993, not 1985. 1985 was my only travel oversea (France, Spain, Portugal and Switzerland). Sorry for that.

  4. An amazing amount of real news. Thank you Sierra.

    1. Thanks Anya - that is a lovely compliment...!

  5. Kevin Annett is not giving up on the Canadian people. EVER. Let's see what comes out of this:

    "A New Treaty reclaims "Canada" for the people - Indigenous Nation unites with Republic of Kanata to arrest "pope", nullify covid police state."
    "Chilcotin National Congress signs a treaty with the Republic of Kanata -
    Arrest and Reclamation Actions to be launched."
    "Interview between Kevin Annett and Suzanne Holland, the Ambassador of the Chilcotin traditional nation, that announces the details of their nations' treaty and how it will stop the Corporatocracy on the ground!"

    1. Kevin is a great Light Warrior hero. So many have sacrificed so much (including their lives) to liberate humanity from the dark forces.

  6. Much evidence points to Disneyland always planned to groom.

    1. Yes, it is so sad about Disneyland. I have been four times and love it. Once though, I got off a ride half way through and went out an emergency exit. Staff behind the scenes were shocked to see me (from the real world) in their domain. It looks very different behind the scenes. Now we know why.

  7. Sierra, my thought was that perhaps it was the white hats here in NZ who made these health officials resign. It will be less messy and chaotic when the truth comes out for them not to be there. And surely the white hats will want people in there who are willing to help people with real therapeutics. Can't come from the current lot.

    1. Hi Sharen...Sorry for the delay in responding to your comment. Yes, I agree with you. Removing those health officials would be a White Hat operation. It still helps that they appear to be rats deserting the sinking ship...! Our PM cannot be far behind, especially with the recent arrest of her 'fiance'.

  8. Michael Jaco: The crime families have to be cleared out before the world goes into ascension phase. There is work to be done. They crash the society. They make money on the way down and they make money on the way up.



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