Channeled Message from Siriusians

I resonate with so much in this channeled message.


Dearest Ones many of you have been feeling down and have been enduring strange symptoms recently. You have all been through so much in the last two years that you may be feeling lost and bewildered .You have been holding the Light for so long amongst your friends and families and it may seem as if they are all getting back to normal and you are left suffering. But we are here to tell you that there is much going on behind the scenes so to speak and whilst you may feel it is not the case, everyone is evolving.

Everyone but everyone on Planet Earth and indeed Gaia herself is being affected by the movement from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension and above. The energies that are being beamed upon Earth from the Great Central Sun are ramping up and this is causing much havoc in many ways. It is as if everything is being thrown up in the air as in the Tarot card “The Tower” but Dear ones when everything settles there will be a New more peaceful world ahead.

Old enmities will be coming to the surface to be finally cleared in the greater world. There will be pockets of disruption as in the current so called war that is going on. These disruptions will end as soon as they started and souls will be moving around the planet to find their rightful place to Ascend. Souls will be moving physically and sadly some souls will be leaving the planet but however sad this may be, this was all meant to be and they will continue their soul’s journey in other realms.

Send your Light to these areas of disruption and know that this is just a part of the Ascension. Do not listen to the main media as to what is going on for much is happening for the good and all is not as it seems. However hard these battles maybe to see, much good will come from them as communities come together in unity to help those less fortunate than themselves.

You may be finding that your own dear families or friends are triggering you and old problems that you have not dealt with in the past are coming up to the surface to be cleared. Pay no heed to these times for they will not last. You may not even know what is causing the problem. You may find that you or they are being triggered for no reason at all. Learn to rise above these triggers, do not hold onto grudges and all will be well in time . These close ones are your very best soul mates and are only doing their job of helping you to evolve.

You as Lightworkers came to Earth to help humanity evolve and only the most forthright were chosen. And you Dear Ones are one of those glorious beings who volunteered. You knew it would not be easy, you knew you would have to leave your star families and forget who you were, you knew that you would have to endure much but you still came and we applaud you for that.

Dear Ones do not falter at the last step. You are all clearing so much to be able to help others when they go through what you are going through now. The energies are such that you as Lightworkers are reaching out to them so that you can clear the last vestiges of negativity both emotionally and physically in your soul. However we are here to tell you that all of this angst will be over soon and it will all be well worth it in the end.

These strong energies may be causing strange symptoms which we have talked of before. These may include feeling light headed, dizziness, buzzing in the ears ,strange aches and pains that come and go and Flu like symptoms which seem to be endless. You may feel full of energy one day and totally exhausted the next. Your sleep patterns are changing and you may be needing more or less sleep than before. Everyone is evolving at different rates. It is always good to check out these symptoms with your medics but as we have said before often nothing will be found. Your body is changing from carbon based to crystalline and as such many of your Earthly medics will not understand this concept.

Your Earthly medics are going to have to change their concept of health in the very near future as your Earthly bodies change and some of what they have been taught in their medical schools will be useless. When the truth comes out about how Big Pharma has controlled Medicine for years many will be turning to alternative therapies and those who are trained in these modalities will be much needed.

As Lightworkers your main purpose now is to heal yourselves so that you are strong enough to heal others when the time comes. You are clearing much and as such you need to go within and connect with your higher self and all of your guides and Angels for they are all here to help you move forwards into the Light of the 5th Dimension.

You need to work on yourselves to clear your soul to be that shining diamond which can never be harmed by darker energies. THE TIME IS NOW Dear Ones the 5th Dimension awaits, you can enter it NOW. You do not have to worry about others joining you or even wait for others to join you, for they will come when their time is right. They all have their own journey to make and they will join you in time.

Being in the 5th Dimension will not mean that you will be apart from your friends and families who have not yet awoken, you will just be in a different place emotionally. You will have no fear of anything that might be happening around you. You will be the shining ones and by just being you, you will be helping others around you to evolve and join you in the 5th Dimension.

And so Dear Ones Hold that Light and be the shining beacons that you all are and you will cross the bridge from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th Dimension in an instant.

We are not in some far distant galaxy, we are here with you on the planet guiding and helping you all to evolve as we did many, many years ago. We are your own Dear family and we send you much Love and many Blessings on your journey.

We are Sirius, Love, Light and Blessings to you all.

Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. " will just be in a different place emotionally."

    I entered the 5th dimension in the summer of 2017. I have been in a different place emotionally; I have been at peace. Thankfully. It certainly makes it easier to hold the light for humanity.

    Love and Light, Sierra! Big hugs!

    1. It's a great description - we are still physically in 5D but we are not fully present, ie. not here as much emotionally. We are constantly backwards and forwards between the two worlds, 3D and 5D, crossing and re-crossing the Rainbow Bridge multiple times throughout the day. No wonder we are exhausted and dizzy at times...! Love and Light and hugs to you, Jan.

  2. For some reason, I cannot seem to get direct messages from my guides or angels. I do, of course, occasionally get intuitive feelings, and I can get messages from animals or symbolisms from dreams, and messages like coins everywhere I go (if I ask for that), or other "signs" from around me... but nothing direct as of yet, and I have been on this Awakening journey for more than a decade. I speak to my Higher Self all the time, and I ask for messages every night before bed, and before I meditate... and yet... I don't seem to get anything direct. Can anyone give me any advice as to how to facilitate this?

    1. Deb, I think the messages from animals, dream messages and coins (love the coins!) ARE your messages. Sometimes it's their only way to get through the density of 3D to connect with us. I get feathers.
      If I have a tip, it would be to keep a clear channel at all times. I don't have radio or music on at all in my house. Silence is the best way to 'hear' your guidance. After a while, you will differentiate between your own thoughts and guidance from Upstairs.

  3. Strange symptoms: late March, I started itching for about 10 days from my shoulders to my groin. Too cold here for bugs. Figured I was detoxing more. It lasted several days. Better now. Weird. DD

    1. How interesting re the itching, DD. I have had periods of crazy itching over the last few months, totally random - and yes, it can last several days. I don't have it at present.
      Heart palpitations can sudden appear for a few days then disappear for many weeks. None of these things have any relation to my daily routine which never alters. I find my routine the best way to stay sane...!

    2. Your heart issue reminds me of the pressure I had on my sternum last Sept. for about one week. Went to Urgent Care; heart monitor OK. The pressure left when I saw the volcano at Las Palmas erupting > lol > what?! That was very strange since I watched Hawaii's Mauna Loa spewing - in person - in real time - in 1984. No rhyme or reason .... Go figure ... DD

  4. Ringing, always the ear ringing. I have to leave the house from time to time to get away from it. I took my little girl into a local shoe store to pick up new spikes for spring soccer and we were both inundated by the sound of the old tube style television.

    I swear we could both hear the tube or some other crystals oscillating. I swear I can hear LED bulbs in my house because I hear a new ringing when lights are on vs when they are off.

    I don't believe it's tinnitus because none of the standard remedies alleviate the issue. It's not a ringing in my ears, I can hear vibrations I couldn't before. It's all very strange.

    1. I have developed a strong aversion to background music in public spaces. I volunteer in a charity shop two mornings a week and the music drives me crazy. I am NOT an ABBA fan, just for the record. And yes, I have ringing in the ears too. We Light Warriors are definitely the strongest of the strong, with everything we are experiencing...

    2. Thanks, my friend. Love and Light to you.

  5. Here's another event video for you. It resonated with me
    I love the different variations between all of your event posts.

    1. I love Janine! Damn it's really getting out there in the collective consciousness isn't it, very exciting..

    2. Thanks Paula. I always watched Janine's videos - and like you Grottysnot, I love her too...!


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