Eyes on [T]witter

Q always said that [T]witter is the main battle-field. Eyes on, Light Warriors.

Major Patriot reminds us that the Alliance is in FULL control of the movie. Major Patriot posted that CNN+ only had 150,000 subscribers at its peak - half the number of his own GAB subscriber list. Love it.


-Netflix enrolments crash
-Spotify fires Obama
-Florida House & Senate bill to strip Disney special status on way to DeSantis desk for signature
-Head of the federal agency charged with the care of unaccompanied migrant children is stepping down
-CNN+ cancelled after only one month

[D]eep [S]tate head honcho [O]bama brazenly stated that the jab was 'clinically tested on billions of people'.

This is the [D]eep [S]tate's latest ploy - burning down food processing plants. Do NOT go into fear. There will not be mass starvation. There may be temporary food shortages but we have had plenty of warning to stock up with several weeks worth of supplies.

Stephen forwarded the link to this swanky apartment building named 55Water. It is said to be a DS HQ. Q: 5:5...'Watch the water...'

Meanwhile in UK, micro-chipping people is being reported by the BBC, a trusted MSM.

And in Ukraine, the theatrics continue...

Be prepared for a significant number of people to adopt the stance of this mask-wearer...

Finally, a reminder from brilliant Light Warrior cartoonist Ben Garrison that the Light is WINNING - bigly.
I love that cartoon. Everything about it screams DEFEAT of the [D]eep [S]tate.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


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