Kim Clement Prophecy: Q Movement

Wow. Prophet Kim Clement had incredible visions back in 2012 and 2014 that foretold exactly what is happening today - including the Q movement, President Trump, HRC and the Supreme Court. 

At the end of the video, Jerome Corsi explains how President Trump was 'head hunted' by the top White Hat military to stand for President - and how the military has had his back ever since. Literally. Remember his inauguration when he stepped onto the podium, backed by rows of generals behind him...?

Thanks to blog reader DD for sharing this link with us. Enjoy.

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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



  1. great share. thank you.
    Trump was asked by the military to run for president.
    11:35 minutes

    1. Thanks Anni - this is an excellent Kim Clement video. What an extraordinary Light Warrior he was.

  2. I do remember that we need to see this go down ...let's go!!


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