MSM Admits Truth About Jab

A MSM television show host (or guest) admitted that the booster shots potentially shut down the immune system. They know the game is up and they are now forced to start revealing the truth.

Bill [G]ates and his fellow [s]atanists are lining up to make a fortune from artificial breast milk. Now do you see why there is a baby formula shortage? Why would you feed your baby formula created by the deadly jab expert..?

Proof that the US government is deliberately creating a baby formula shortage - photos of empty shelves in supermarkets and a fully stocked detention centre on the border. The baby food is for illegal migrants.

A Maori elder vents her anger about our NZ Prime Minister. She's not alone in her sentiments. Unfortunately few people speak out, preferring to follow the narrative as evidenced by the high number of mask wearers.

A short post today. Anticipation is still high that we will see a major breakthrough in coming days. 

We Light Warriors need to maintain a positive attitude towards the unfolding Alliance operation. This complex military operation has been decades in the planning. Many of the details will never be known for security reasons. Just know that without intervention from the Alliance, both on and off planet, the future for humanity would have been bleak indeed. Instead humanity can look forward to a Golden Age of freedom, peace and prosperity - thanks to Light Warriors like you.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you repot it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thank you Sierra for all you share with us and your love. Love Annette

    1. Thank you so much Annette, you have made my day. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  2. Thanks Sierra! I know galactics are here. Photo from ISS showed a fleet of craft pass by below pretty close to near earth orbit. The problem is the plan is unfolding quite slow it appears to me.. the MSM can easily change the narrative and distract the sleepers ..notice no more pandemic now it's all about Ukraine and Roe vs Wade being overturned no mention of 2000 mules..I don't understand why Trump is holding rallies what is the reason if nothing is going to happen soon?? Sure great crowds like before election but military is the only way per Q and others do we have to descend into social chaos and upheaval first?? Seems counterproductive from an ascension timeline...Mira from pleaidians weeks ago said smooth easy transition remember...either that channeling is false or smooth has different were jabbed and died from it...many permanently food being cut ...this all seems very dark to other planet has had this level of darkness I suspect and at this rate I worry will we ever get the event wave?? I am shocked we haven't had it yet..stock market didn't crash as predicted nesara not implemented
    I know darkest before the dawn..
    Holding the Light in Idaho US Republic

    1. you "saw" video from the "ISS" what a moron

  3. Thank you for the post I am venting ... My siblings are proof people aren't waking up...sent them hard evidence of inflation reply...ignore reality per usual

    1. Doug, I totally understand why you are venting - it is frustrating for Light Warriors as we await the last part of the plan to unfold. Take heart from the fact that people like President Trump have gone ALL in - he knows that if he doesn't succeed the DS will wipe out him and his family. VICTORY is the only option for him, for the Alliance and for humanity. WE'VE GOT THIS. Love and Light to you in Idaho.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for your support, Caroline, I so appreciate it!

  5. And Jacinda and partner have tested positive for covid! Surely hope this is representative of the code we've been given. It's time, isn't it?

    1. It certainly is time, Sharen. Thanks for the heads up about their positive test - the code would appear to be activated. Bring it on...!


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