Matthew Ward's Latest Message

Matthew Ward's latest channeled message is uplifting. He makes it clear that the bright wonderful future for humanity is ALREADY underway in the higher realms. They are waiting for us to join them! He gives reassuring information about Elon Musk (great Light Warrior), and some interesting background to conception, miscarriages and abortions.

This short video about timeline-jumping is fascinating. 

Basically, we Light Warriors are jumping timelines from 3D to 5D constantly throughout the day. You know when you are on the 3D timeline because you feel flat, disillusioned and isolated. You know when you are on the 5D timeline because you feel energized, motivated and connected to other Light Warriors. There is a big incentive to spend as much time as possible in 5D - it gives us the energy to cope with 3D life.

I have been sharing my latest favorite mantra with weary Light Warrior friends: 'Whatever it takes...' Whatever it takes for you to survive these extremely challenging times, do what you need to do. Ease up on yourself. I dislike cooking so I am treating myself to quick versions of meals that I would never have done in the past. Whatever it takes. I have identified that I need a lot of support right now, so I am not shy about asking for it from loved Light Warrior friends, something I have never done before. Whatever it takes. 

It also helps to have little or no expectation of people around us at present. Everyone is struggling in their own way. Look for - and appreciate - the unexpected ways that friends and loved ones reach out, and ignore the times when they don't. They are ALSO doing 'whatever it takes' to survive right now.

Thank goodness I got to enjoy some sunshine today and time with a couple of lovely Light Warrior friends. It's raining heavily again but I am smiling.

Speaking of smiling, if at all possible, try to have a good belly laugh every day. It's amazing what a difference laughing can make to your sense of wellbeing. I am fortunate to have some witty fun-loving Light Warrior friends who laugh easily.

Finally, a shout-out to my friend Emma who has collaborated on many blog posts. Emma has stepped back from post collaboration to focus on her burgeoning little business. We wish her all the best. Thanks so much Emma for your valuable contributions over recent months.

Light Warriors, you are a wonderful bunch of people. I consider every one of you a friend. I hope to meet many of you after victory is in the bag and we can all travel and enjoy freedom again.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. We hold the Light !! Laughing is key...good music ...good thoughts .. kindness ...

    1. You are so right, Doug...all those things are hugely uplifting for Light Warriors.

  2. Ciao e grazie 😎😎😎

  3. Thanks Sierra & Emma. Love Annette

    1. Thanks Annette...! Love and Light to you.


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