Alliance In FULL Control

Truth Social has expanded to UK. This is great news. Truth Social expanding...BRICS expanding...Putin openly condemning the [D]eep [S]tate...[B]iden showing his true (idiotic) colors to the world. The  Alliance is in FULL control, Light Warriors. Relax and enjoy the show. Make some popcorn!

Here is your daily reminder that the person appearing to run the greatest country in the world is actually an actor - and the script is getting more obvious with each passing day. There is now no doubt that the vast majority of people in USA have no respect for their leader. As Cue said, 'You can't tell the people; you have to show them.'

Speaking of showing the people, here is the latest Trudeau body double. I have lost track of how many there have been in recent years. Why do you suppose the media are NOT allow to question him, or even talk to him..? Because it would become immediately obvious that he is a fake. That's why.

Light Warrior Florida mayor Ron DeSantis is giving a $450 bonus per child to each household. Awesome news. Maybe a soft disclosure of incoming NESARA...?

New York City has been broadcasting public alerts on surviving a nuclear attack. Channel Sharon Stewart has a good take on this situation.

New York has a public service announcement going about surviving a nuclear attack. They're setting up Russia as the bad guys. They're going to set off something to confirm this agenda but it will be them, not Russia, who makes the move to scare you. Maybe the FBI will catch “Russian agents transporting dirty bomb material out of the country,” or something like that. Just watch. (Sharon Stewart)

Remember the [D]eep [S]tate are very desperate now. It is quite possible that they could stage this kind of terrifying scenario. Cue warned about a scare event. Please note: There will be no nuclear detonations in this Universe ever again, as decreed by Creator. Any talk about nuclear detonations is just empty fear porn.

I like this message from Anon Pepe Lives Matter...

When people say that Patriots are in control that does not mean that everything that happens is being allowed by them. This is a common misunderstanding. Bad things are going to happen. People die in "battle"... chaos is occurring around the world. But you want to know why?
It's because we are living through one of the most significant moments in human history. The enemy is being challenged to their very core. Perhaps like never before. This causes them to rage. But God is directing the journey and it has a very good ending. God takes the negative situations and makes them beautiful in their own time. He transforms what the enemy does and turns it back against them.
Patriots are in control means that they have a plan and have the upper hand in certain areas.
Keep your head up Patriots.
There's no sense in going back now. We must move forward. We cannot go back to sleep. It's simply not an option.

A meme reality check on the survival rate of a virus that has NEVER been isolated or identified in a lab. Those PCR and RAT tests that show 'positive' are designed to prove the existence of 'corona viruses' which is the official term for every cold and flu.

I love this meme. It reminds me that millions of gutsy Light Warriors all over the world are standing up and speaking out to protect their own children, and ALL children, even if it costs them relationships with friends and family members. Evil is being forced upon innocent children from many angles. We cannot wring our hands and hope that everything will work out. WE MUST SPEAK OUT. I am proud to stand with every one of you.

Two words that Light Warriors can strive to live by during these tumultuous times: Balance and Unity. Every day we must focus on finding the balance, the middle way, through this divisive hot mess that is currently life on planet Earth. It can be done. It is possible to maintain balance and unity if you focus on LOVE, not fear. If you are willing, bridges can be mended, and the greatest divisions and wounds can be healed. Honesty, open-mindedness and willingness (readers who have 12 Step programs will recognize that mantra!).


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Benjamin Fulford: "It is going to lead to social collapse and revolution. My advice is to take your money out of the bank, get cash, and get physical gold." video 7/15/22

    1. Bix Weir: "Gold is going to 20, 30, 40, thousand dollars, if the dollar stays intact. But silver will go even higher than that."
      "The United States has ALREADY decided on what we will use as money when the fiat system collapses...SILVER & GOLD COINS!! It's the ONLY currency that takes NO DECIDERS! We can just go back to our Constitutional Money."

      "ALERT! Silver & Gold Stand Ready to Take the Place of Fiat Money"

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline, always appreciate your support.

  3. Thank you Sierra...clearly NYC altering people how to survive a nuclear war and also thing them to drink tap water!!


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