Eyes On [P]elosi

Eyes on [P]elosi. 

I agree with this excellent Clandestine newsletter - Nancy [P]elosi's bizarre trip to Taiwan, complete with US fighter plane escort, is HUGE news. 

Cue always said, 'Scare event'. It could take something as drastic as apparent WW3 involving China, Russia and USA, to wake people up. Please note: There will be no nuclear detonation on planet Earth. I have said it multiple times, but it bears repeating - Creator has decreed there will never be another nuclear detonation in ANY universe. It is too destructive to souls.

Any 'scare event' is part of the Alliance operation to awaken humanity. The Alliance is in FULL control. There is absolute no grounds for fear or panic. Stay calm, Light Warriors. If you freak out, you will become part of the problem, not the solution. Remember, this is a movie. There are actors, a script and plenty of twists and turns. Trust the plan.

Here is the newsletter...


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