...More on [P]elosi

Opening this post with a short video of blithering idiot Nancy [P]elosi at a recent WH presser. I am not being unkind or untruthful with that description - it is exactly how she presented. Would this woman REALLY be allowed, in her current state, to fly to Taiwan in a scenario that is (apparently) a precursor to WW3...? Of course not. It's all about the optics. It is all part of the show.

This young Australian senator absolutely nailed the [D]eep [S]tate agenda in this short speech. Love it.

A significant win for We The People - a $12 million dollar pay-out to healthcare workers who sued over the jab mandates. Great news.

I SO agree with this post about the PCR tests. The designer of the PCR tests categorically stated that they were never meant to be used in this way - then he 'mysteriously' died. The PCR tests were the prime cause and tool of the 'Scamdemic'. As a reminder of how flawed the tests are, remember how the Prime Minister of Tanzania tested goat meat and pawpaw with PCR tests - and they tested positive...? Sadly, he 'mysteriously' died too. Heinous.

Science. Yep, it is the source of this article that I was sure was a spoof...but sadly, no.

You would think this is a spoof too...but sadly, no. The DS MSM has divested itself of all dignity.

Here is one for Cue followers. Always fun to speculate..! President Trump did post the JFK quote about a storm. And we are waiting for notification: 'My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us...'

VK’s post on TS yesterday was missing an (H) and today the (c) stands out in his post. Wonder if a D will stand out tomorrow.


We must remember that humanity is currently splitting into two camps - 3D or 5D. The 3D camp has chosen to stay in the fear-based illusion, which will continue to be played out in another 3D setting elsewhere (different dimension/planet). The 3D camp is about fear, restrictions and scarcity. People who are driven by fear and scarcity will be too afraid to leave 3D life. The unknown terrifies them. They feel safe and secure in their familiar setting, controlled by the [D]eep [S]tate mass (hypnosis) media. If the government broadcasts a directive via television, radio and newspaper, they trust and follow it eg. 'jabs are safe and effective'. There is plenty of evidence now that jabs are neither safe nor effective.

The 5D camp is about love, freedom and abundance. The 5D people are desperate to bust out of the restrictive fearful 3D camp. They are completely over masks, jab mandates, fake wars, climate change hoax, predicted food shortages etc etc etc. They just want to be FREE. And they WILL be...! I know, because I am one of them.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Is there going to be a moment when you realize you are no longer in 3D? Or do you go back and forth until the transition is complete? Will Trump and the good military still take over in the 3D version or will they actually lose? It's all so far over my head as to how this all works.


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