[P]elosi Going To Taiwan. Why...?

WHAT is happening with Nancy [P]elosi and Taiwan..? Anons believe that Taiwan is the Asian version of Ukraine - a [D]eep [S]tate hub of sex-trafficking, money laundering and bio weapon labs. Remember how USA politicians and celebs travelled to Ukraine when it was supposedly deep in a war situation..? [P]elosi was one of them. Hmmm. Very fishy.

BREAKING: China says it WILL shoot Pelosi's plane down IF she travels to Taiwan under US fighter escort 

Whistle-blower UK funeral director John O'Looney has direct evidence that hospitals in UK are BY-PASSING funeral directors and taking dead babies straight to the crematoriums. Why is this happening...? Is it to avoid alarming new stats of baby deaths...? John also spoke directly to the top reproductive doctor in Australia who was sacked and removed from his private practice for revealing the alarming truth about miscarriages. Miscarriages in Australia have escalated from 5-16% to a whopping 74%. All those pregnant women were jabbed. The doctor was prevented from publishing his findings. Why...??? Questions need to be asked about the baby death situation in UK and the miscarriages in Australia. Please pass it on. This video is NOT rumor or hearsay - it is direct testimony.

Wow. A very brave Aussie Light Warrior doctor stormed into the annual Australian Medical Association conference and yelled the TRUTH about the jab to the entire room. Look at how the cowards scuttled for cover. If they had an ounce of integrity, they would have engaged him in conversation. But no. Shame on them.

Even the MSM is reporting sudden deaths now because they are too hard to ignore. But, of course, they stress that these sudden deaths are not jab-related. Four young hospital doctors in Toronto died within one week. When does it stop being coincidence and start becoming a pattern/trend..??

Gateway Pundit is taking legal action to identify Epstein's clients. This lawsuit has the potential to destroy the [D]eep [S]tate. They will be VERY afraid of it.

Italian farmers have joined the Dutch farmers in protest. Very short video. Awesome.

A quick reminder about the extent of illusion/fakery on this planet. This 'moon rock' was identified as part of a fossilized tree. It even LOOKS like fossilized tree, for goodness sake. Duh.

More fakery/illusion - this time historical BS from the evil 'United Nations'. This [D]eep [S]tate organization was set up to divide and destroy, not unite us. UN 'peace-keepers' have a reputation for being involved in child sex-trafficking. While we are bursting bubbles, please know that sweet little Mother Theresa was a notorious child sex-trafficker. Once you have done your extensive research, you cannot unknow this heinous information.

If you are still considering crickets as a source of protein, you might want to re-think it. It's all about the parasites, as usual with the DS.

These images of wildlife trapped in discarded masks are so sad. I have seen masks discarded on my local beach - it makes me feel sick. This wildlife catastrophe is the REAL issue, not the fake virus.

Interesting Cue connection to 'Hot August'. Stay tuned. We could do with some 'Hot August' here in cold rainy NZ.

Hmm...Congress is on BREAK during AUGUST.

Lara Logan is right, of course. We know the truth.

Confirmation of the identity of the REAL USA President. Love it.

Finally, President Trump posted this quote by President JFK. I felt very emotional when I read it. President Trump has made it clear that he intends to FINISH the job that JFK started and cost him his life: the total destruction of the [D]eep [S]tate.

Phew! Lengthy post today. It's raining here - yet again. It's got to the point where we don't stop our activities because of the rain otherwise we would never get to leave our homes. I will still go to visit my lovely friend Rhonnie. I have driven through flood waters to her place several times. I'm an old hand at it now.

Stay calm and positive, Light Warriors. There is so much to be grateful for - and so much evidence of REAL change on this planet.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. 💜💜💜💜

    1. Thanks Caroline, I always enjoying your hearts, much appreciated.

  2. Bix Weir: "The losses for all the banks will be in the trillions of dollars. I think the banking system will crash before the election. Silver will destroy the banks and free humanity. Get your assets out of the system." (youtube RoadtoRoota)
    Create your own bank in your house by storing cash and silver.

  3. Replies
    1. Me too, DD. SO gutsy. He is the true definition of a Light Warrior.


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