Pink Floyd 'Red Pill' Song
I celebrated the acquisition of my new laptop by watching this excellent Pink Floyd 'red-pill' song from a recent concert. Go, Pink Floyd - telling the TRUTH. Song lyrics include these words: We Good, They Evil. Enjoy.
Many countries in the world have a long way to go when it comes to common sense and freedom. Check out this short video about an un-jabbed 12 year old girl arriving in Canada and threatened with two weeks of quarantine away from her family.
New Zealand is about to launch a big mask propaganda campaign, just when the tide is turning and people are starting to push back against them. It's not about health. It is about control and power. Our government cannot afford to have people thinking for themselves and rejecting the narrative. They rely on non-questioning conformity, backed by their paid-for MSM.
Here is a comment from below the video that perfectly illustrates the corruption of the NZ MSM.
Gotta love how the predetermined narrative is interjected into the question - why aren't we rolling out mask mandates - rather than asking IF they're going to roll them out. Or better, questioning the mandate.
Governments controlling the media is old news, so to speak. Here is old footage of David Rockefeller praising the 'discretion' of top USA media companies that allowed the [D]eep [S]tate to control the country, and ultimately, the world. It is chilling, heinous, and thank God we are fighting back.
Check out this rapturous reception for Brazilian President Bolsonaro. You will NEVER see this kind of adoration for the Prime Minister in Canada, Australia, New Zealand - and only in USA if it was President Trump. I love the fact that Bolsonaro is driving the scooter himself. Very cool.
Speaking of Canada, here is Trudeau's latest body double. Give me a break. Scroll down the comments for photos of the previous versions of Trudeau. It's all fake, people.
In jab news, I wonder when people will realize that it's the jabs that are making them sick. How can a person be so ill after FOUR shots and STILL not question the jab...???
Meanwhile in Italy, ELEVEN vacationers aged under 60 years dropped dead at the beach within 24 hours. When was the last time someone dropped dead at the beach beside you...??
I appreciate the message in this meme.
And I completely resonate with the message in this meme.
I talked with two close Light Warrior friends today. We agree that the energies are so challenging, it is a big effort not to feel as if we are going crazy. That's why regular conversations with Light Warriors are so important - if you are fortunate enough to have the opportunity, as I am. All three of us are experiencing difficult personal issues, not to mention daily interactions with people who are unaware of the truth. I won't use the term 'sleepers' because we all were once unaware of the truth.
Finally, a great newsletter from UK Light Warrior Martin Geddes - 'Five Reasons To Keep Fighting'.
It was strange to take a full day and a half away from the blog. I much prefer to be here! Thank you for your patience. I am aware of how challenging life is at present and it is my intention to be here for you. We Light Warriors are in this together.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
Bix Weir: "Get out of these exchanges, the stock market, the bond market. Get away from anything with third party risk. When they are done with this system, when the largest debtor in the world does not want to pay off its debt, they click a mouse and it is all gone.
ReplyDeleteThe end of silver manipulation is going to be the biggest price move ever, far bigger than bitcoin. That is going to be the millionaire maker; silver in your own possession. Mining companies will be nationalized. No third party should hold your assets." (youtube RoadtoRoota) (7/18/22)