Is CHECKMATE Close...??

This 37" video might just be telegraphing CHECKMATE in the Alliance operation - and it comes directly via President Trump. It's a must-watch. BOOM.

Check out this massive crowd of President Bolsonaro supporters in Brazil, estimated to be one million people.

An official poll in USA showed that the majority of Americans found [B]iden's 'blood-red' speech to be 'a dangerous escalation in rhetoric designed to incite conflict'. No one can argue with that definition. Oh but wait - 17% of brain-washed Democrats did.

Here's a random theory - I emphasize that it is only my opinion. Please use your discernment as with any theory in this war...

Why has the Iran Deal suddenly appeared out of nowhere..? It's Obama's Iran Deal. And why suddenly did the Obamas both unveil their portraits in the White House...? Is this a possible signal for the arrest of Obama...? Could he be the first big arrest...?? It would undoubtedly qualify as 'the shot heard around the world...'

And while we are at it, let's pop President Trump back into the Senate as House Speaker quick-smart (as per the little video opening this post) and get [B]iden impeached...? Why have just ONE 'shot heard around the world' when you can have TWO - simultaneously...???

As I often say, it is fun to speculate...!

A new post from President Trump - it further cements the idea that the FBI raid on his home was staged by the Alliance. Cue: 'You cannot tell the people; you have to show them...'

Are we getting advance warning of potential 'blackouts' as predicted by many sources...?


Excellent meme.

Finally, WHEN will all the deadly signs about the jab become impossible to ignore any more...? I have never seen the word 'baffled' used with such regularity in 'medical' news stories. In fact, up until a few months ago, I don't think I EVER saw it used. Go figure.

Light Warriors, it feels as if we are on our very tippy toes now, peering over the precipice. The united belief of most Light Warriors I know is crystal clear: Something VERY BIG is about to happen.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
