MSM: Red October Connection

Interesting MSM news story - it sounds as if it was lifted directly from the movie  The Hunt For Red October.

Cue drop related to 'Red October'.


The much-anticipated global financial collapse is underway. You won't see it on MSM.

Clandestine has nailed it regarding Elon Musk's impending purchase of Twitter.


Your regular reminder that [B]iden is being played by an actor.

This is an amazing turnaround for the DS MSM - check out this Sydney Morning Herald article. 

The Chief Health Officer of Victoria Australia admitted on live television that seasonal flu is MUCH WORSE than [C]ovid. This is a heinous example of how the [D]eep [S]tate lied to humanity.

There are some creative brave Light Warriors out there. Love it.

This image and message goes straight to my heart.

Finally, my reaction to this Clandestine post can be summed up in one word: Ditto.


Hang in there, Light Warriors...! The ride is going to get pretty wild - a bit like New Zealand spring weather where we often have four seasons in one day (as in today). My strategy for navigating Ascension is the same way I deal with NZ spring weather: one moment at a time.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Bix Weir: “Let’s go back to our Constitution. Gold and silver will be money. The USA has been stockpiling gold and silver, making coins out of it, and making it ready for this transition. When the system crashes there won’t be any derivative trading.” (youtube RoadtoRoota)

  2. I'll be ecstatic if this happens by Halloween, so I'll have a birthday (2nd) in November to remember!

    1. We ALL pray that you will have a glorious birthday this year, DD. Bring it on...!


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