Important New Intel

I am opening with this long excerpt from Starship Earth's latest newsletter. It is very important intel - please use your discernment regarding the content and timing for events.

'...Everyone is talking about an audio update from contactee/experiencer Alex Collier. It might be an excerpt from a webinar he did this weekend. Two crew members have included it in the comments so I guess we should mention it. It's just a few minutes long but very encouraging and in support of what we have already been told in various "rumours" and intel updates, and what we suspect is happening for good reason. You have probably seen Trump's posts about "soon". What is uncertain is whether he was referring to his reinstatement on Twitter, or something else...

It all has to be coordinated to the minute and with a global operation you can imagine the number of moving parts and comms that have to come together to get it just right. There will be no second chance; it's now or never, so places everyone, and let's wait for the cue [Q].

Alex Collier

Here's the transcript of the audio clip on Telegram from the crew.

Military worldwide waiting for the "GO".

Several channels share a 4-minute voice message from Alex Collier.

There are several translations of it. I have selected these and edited them a bit.

Alex Collier

Warships are spread all over Alaska to support the Australian military and to overthrow the Deep State.

It will all happen at the same time.

For those wondering what is happening in Brazil and why the military is not moving there so far: there must be a synchronized movement. From all the militaries worldwide. The white hats will tear down the deep state.

It's all synchronized with each other and they're all talking to each other. I want you to know that we are talking about a period of a few hours to a few days.

And when it happens, it happens very quickly.

There are rumors that they are arresting Marine traitors within the military and I hope it is true. Because what is true is that there are traitors within the military. They have taken money to have benefits and they have helped create Australian "accounts." It's crazy how much money has been put in there. This is all based on Federal Reserve bills and they need to be brought down.

For those of you who are in Canada. It's the same scenario there. The military is waiting for a go. All the military are waiting for your go. Things still have to be put in place, as well as American troops and when all that is over, Canada will be independent of the United States. It will be part of the Republic of the United States.

Australia will be part of the Republic of the United States. So all of this is moving very quickly right now to get going.

What is necessary for those who are running for president, especially for 2024, is to distance themselves from the military.

Once it starts and the "go" comes, the military will act under martial law to protect the citizens of the cities of the respective countries. To protect also the borders but above all the citizens of their own country.

By the way, this will happen worldwide at the same time. He (Alex) is not quite sure how it will be in the UK because he has no information there.

Wow. This is HUGE. [D]eep [S]tate television news broadcast a clip about a young man who died because of vaxx-related myocarditis - confirmed by a coroner. This has to be a sign of total capitulation. BOOM.

Thanks to my friend Lance for this truly shocking little video with birth rates in Aussie last year.  There was a 99.6% collapse in the birth rate for Victoria in December 2021. Just TWENTY-ONE babies were born in Victoria during December last year. The year before it was 5,707. Twenty-one births in an entire state for a whole month - that is less than one a day. Yet there it is, right there on the official Australian government website. Video is only 6 minutes but can be comfortably watched at 1.5 speed. Please pass it on. This is appalling.

The Ontario federal government wants to FORCE psychiatric medication onto un-jabbed people because they must be mentally-ill not to take the death shot. No wonder this little video has had 1.2 million views so far. Please pass the link on. Canada, Aussie and NZ are the most [D]eep [S]tate controlled countries in the world outside of USA.

The DS media is now running around in a state of sheer panic. Tee hee. Sympathetic, NOT.

A reminder that one of President Trump's last tweets called for peace at the Capitol. 

These are the kind of tweets that are now possible on Twitter. Oh, and Project Veritas is back on Twitter. Be very afraid, evil[D]eep [S]taters. We The People have TAKEN BACK OUR POWER.

President Trump now has 72 million followers on Twitter, up from 52 million yesterday. This is such fun, Light Warriors. I am having a fantastic time compiling this post. Grinning madly the whole time.

A reminder of why Elon Musk did his 'poll' to reinstate President Trump.

This tweet from Elon Musk is SO cool. Bring it on, Sir. We Are With You...!

Well, well, well. Who is in the strongest position right now to shower the world with red pills - and continue to shower those red-pills over humanity until the ugly hideous truth has been fully revealed...? You've guessed it. Our Commander-in-Chief and REAL USA President - President Trump.

Finally, a little meme to help keep perspective on what is clearly going to be a buzzy upcoming few days/weeks. 

I will end this long post with a quick story from my morning walk. So the elderly man who always wears a mask walked by me, quite close, and pulled his mask tighter around his face. I couldn't help myself. I stopped and said, 'Please don't worry about the mask. Breathe fresh air.' He responded: 'I have to wear it, I have no immunity anymore.' As he walked away I said gently, 'You need fresh air to build immunity.' And that is my good deed for today. Probably a complete waste of time.

On a happier note... Are you all grinning madly like me...?? I suggest that you do because the movie is getting super exciting. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming, Light Warriors. I think President Trump will build the tension on his Twitter page until almost breaking point and then...'My fellow Americans...'

Cross fingers...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. It's unfortunate that guy and others are so programmed to be afraid my stepfather don't like it when I bitch about people wearing the mask but unless it's mandated I ain't wearing the fucking thing. BTW I can't wait for the military to get the go just gotta remember to get the popcorn and beverage. 🙂

    1. Yes, Scott, when military appear everywhere and most people are freaking out, we Light Warriors will be doing a little dance and singing...!

    2. I'll refrain from the dancing Sierra bad enough I see myself dance don't want anyone else to see it either 🤣

    3. Scott, I love dancing (Ceroc) and I believe everyone can dance with the right partner. You'd be surprised...!!! Tee hee.

  2. Nice message from Alex. I met and heard him speak in Dallas in 1995 for 6 hours! Sierra; thanks for including the text. I sometimes forward audios to folks who are not members of __blank__, so they can't hear it. I'm happy to have the written portion to share. : ) .... DD

    1. I find text a lot easier than video sometimes because I am a speed reader so can assimilate a lot of written material quickly.

  3. Canada military - you'd think I'd have some insider info but no, my son in law (army officer) sweats integrity & would never divulge. What fun is that? tee hee His dad is a serious Q dude so I'm really hopeful.

    PS Twitter is a hoot.

    Shine on :^)

    1. Hey Pip. Yes, very frustrating having insider intel on your doorstep and no dice. Like staring at an amazing cake and being told you can't eat it. Great about his Dad being a Que follower. Go him! And yes, loving Twitter right now. Shine on, my friend.


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