QTSR: 11th November

Great intel again from QTSR Telegram posts for 11th November.

Post 1


This is huge. Fraud in NY explained. Make this go viral.https://mobile.twitter.com/Katlia124/status/1590192619577303041@WeTheMediaPost 2

NEW - Arizona election results delayed until after weekend, Maricopa officials say.https://www.disclose.tv/id/1590797761360064512/@disclosetvPost 3


Behind the SCENES;As Special Police force ( working direct with Military units) in SERBIA closed two regional borders to Kosovo as [ DS] EU continues in creating a conflict with SERBIA who has denied all EU request to sanction Russia and imports./// Behind the scenes >White Hats in the NATO. EU Military have brought down the [DS] plan for now to create a War Conflict in SERBIA.>With tensions high in SERBIA knowing the [ DS] AGENDA of creating WAR with RUSSIA and Subduing European countries that support Russia is now at a critical point.(as you know, CHNIA Personally delivered missiles through Turkish military bases to SERBIA months back and hundreds of Cargo container of Weapons the past 2 years....///These were indicating events that were going to lead to the current moments of EU inside an open Proxy WAR with RUSSIA/)___Behind the SCENES: BIDEN and his ADMIN have told U S. Elite banks to keep their money inside Russia Banks, investments.... 🤔Mohammad Bin Salman Will meet with XI personally on the joining BRICS //) This public ALLIANCE has got U.S. [ DS] Bankers and oil companies in PANIC.///With the Seizer of over 160 [ DS] oligarchs assets in Ukraine by Putin Russia raids the U.S. Banks, BIDEN Clinton crime families connections to banks in Ukraine through these seized assets ( MSM is not reporting) the deep state is in PANIC and BIDEN/ Obama Clinton admin are trying to cut a secret deal with RUSSIA to have money inside BRICS<>Behind closed doors U.S. is already in negotiations with RUSSIA on next NUCLEAR peace Agreements............Still many EVENTS must happen and take place>>>>> SEVERAL U.S. Generals. Admirals. Colonials and including>.The Commander of US Strategic Command, Charles Richard who oversees the US nuclear weapons program, warned that China is developing nuclear weapons much faster than the US and called the issue a "near-term problem,"( This all headed into the SCARE EVENT.... You have long been forewarned of this Event and also All CURRENT EVENTS......)////_________NCSWICPost 4


THE NUCLEAR EVENT > THREAT<STAGING 🎥//_ThIS EVENT is the connection to ROBBING the American TAX PAYERS citizens.The real story behind the DNC. NATO. UN. DAVO'S ROTHSCHILDS....DS PLAN is to ROB TRILLIONS<While already 100 billion of U.S. tax payer money has gone to UKRAINE ( money laundering operations)... The real agenda is connected to Globalist carbon tax green pass and the second is 1.2 Trillion that the [ DS] military and [ DS] U.S. gov. Sector wants to get.This 1.2 TRILLION is actually flat more around3 TRILLION but MSM is only reporting the bare minimum._As The White HATS military track the Second stolen ELECTIONS. and have everything it needs.. Their also TRACKING the up coming 1.2 Trillion money laundering operation////> This 1.2 Trillion  WILL be the down fall off the CABAL that control the bad side of the U.S. Military ( [DS] GENERALS loyal to the CABAL) and their counter parts across the World....Behind the SCENES; BIDEN/ Obama wants to invest HUNDREDS of BILLIONS into BRICS andDAVO'S.WEF. KAZARIAN plan to use a Trillion to create The NEW U.S. DIGITAL CURRENCY SYSTEM BACKED BY GOLD ( Months ago I had WARNED and told you ALL that DEEP STATE in U.S. WILL create a fake digital currency and backed by non existent gold............ And I told you that this would all FAIL..........> The SECOND REAL GOLD BACKED SYSTEM OF U.S. CURRENCY WON'T TAKE EFFECT TILL FALL 2025/////// as COTTON.CRUZ. TRUMP DESANTIS. LAKE.Gabbard ...>KASH< >>>>[ DURHAM] . MILITARY INTELLIGENCE BATTALIONS,  POWERFUL WHITE HATS MAKE THEIR FINAL moves To EXPOSE. THE CABAL DEEP STATE INSIDE THE MILITARY (this part of the PLAN is connected to the Fall of EU. NATO that is already happening////_________IT'S BEEN A LONG JOURNEY FOR MILLIONS OF Q FOLLOWERS THAT HAVE BEEN FOLLOWING MILITARY OPERATIONS FOR THE 8 YEAR JOURNEY. That ends January 20 ,2025We went through Epstein EXPOSURE. CLINTONS KILLINGS.CIA CONNECTIONS. TO OBAMA MONEY LAUNDERING TO UKRAINE MONEY LAUNDERING TO WORLD ELITES BEING EXPOSED..... TO THE PANDEMIC. THE BIO-WEAPONS VACCINES. TO WAR.. COMING INTO NUCLEAR STANDOFF.... BRINK OF NEAR DEATH CIVILIZATION> EVENT<Stay Strong...... We are inside the STORM ..you have been GUILDED into the EVENTS with preparations........///HAVE FAITH IN DURHAM..... HE'S BRINGING THE HAMMER... He controls over  240,000Sealed indictments.>>>>>>>EPSTEIN LISTVIDEOS. SERVERS. BANK RECORDS IS IN SECURE POSSESSION.TheRE is a reason TRUMP CLOSED UP CHEYENNE mountain Mil. Base.. And Biden. Clintons. OBAMA. 3 LETTER agencies. DAVOS.un. NATO>>>>CAN'T GET IN OR ACCESS INTO THIS CERTAIN MILITARY BASE.U.S. ELECTION scandle is just the Tip of the spear to opening the FULL corruption.KEYS<Post 5

[ NATO] VS. [ NATO]With the Fall of NATO happening an countries continuing to become disloyal to the Regimen.A Powerful EVENT SCENARIO is on the wayThis Division of NATO can't be stopped. As NATO WILL FACE OFF AGAINST IT'S SELF.GREECE. VS. TURKEYThe coming conflict isn't a matter of IF_ it WILL happen?.. But WHEN?.NATO is in turmoil as TURKEY is creating chaos inside NATO ( if you have been following me I've been telling you for a long time that there is a WAR inside of NATO > INFIGHTING< that Will lead to the COLLAPSE/ restructuring of NATO... I have been giving detail drops on TURKEY the past year......)////_NOW Turkey is getting ready to make huge moves to upset/ unhinge NATO.BEHIND THE SCENES; RUSSIA/ CHINA is backing TURKEY. .  and bringing down NATO is the PLAN ( NATO IS THE DEEP STATE ARMY as is UN... That protect DAVOS.WEF . ROTHSCHILDS EU. OLD ELITES DS)///...._The coming conflict of TURKEY AND GREECE[ NATO] vs. [ NATO] is CREATED to create division among EU. NATO countries who together have TRILLIONS invested in TURKEY banks. Economy. Shipping. Weapons programs..... Germany among the most has hundreds of BILLIONS invested in their Allie Turkey.... With GERMANY having the most Turkish citizens in its country ( Germany can't lose Turkey allies for several reasons.. Including creating a huge CIVIL UNREST within is own country of they go against TURKEY in NATO vs. NATO war......)////______As you have seen now...... The past couple of years I have told you PUTIN, XI. MODI. BIN SALMAN +TRUMP.... Are all working together> NOW PUTIN. XI. MODI. BIN SALMAN are all publicly acknowledging their ALLIANCE Inside OF  BRICS..............*>>> TRUMP WILL COME INTO THE PICTURE IN DUE TIME PUBLICLY TO CREATE PEACE AMONG THE WORLD AND CONNECT SUB -BRICS ALLIANCE...... OWN U.S.  DIGITAL GOLD BACK CURRENCY that also works beside BRICS.......... These two different CURRENCIES WILL connect in world peace OPERATIONS in the Future.The GOLD ERATHE BEST IS YET TO COMEPost 6

[UK]_As queen Elizabeth death was announced...Q storm Rider channel and few others had stated three months before that UK. And Elite officials were preparing for her funeral with millions of chairs, tables, event stages, barricades, security training, world sound systems, ECT ECT ECT all being brought into UK . For the coming death announcement....She had been dead for years and we knew the past three months was the preparations for her funeral.> Currently the Mil. ALLIANCE in UK is CLEANING the system..... With the death of the Queen.. ousting of the [DS] prime minister Liz Truss who help cover- up the UK.U.S.involvment in nord stream [ DS] mil.ops....... NOW THE ALLIANCE has installed a puppet > SUNAK< ......._A ⚠️ WARNING ⚠️ was sent last week to ROTHSCHILDS HEADS. IN UK. THROUGH THE WORLD. COMMUNITY OF 300 >THAT THE END OF THEIR> RED COAT REGIMEN OPERATIONS AND WORLD BANKS CONTROL WAS AT THE_ END.The WARNING was sent that on the eve of the RED BLOOD MOON... THE RED COATS LEADEREvelyn de Rothschild would die..... This would be a symbol from the White HATS ALLIANCE to the DEEP STATE ROTHSCHILDs that the ALLIANCE WAS IN CONTROL.> Evelyn de Rothschild was given pills to Stop his heart and ordered by the White HATS Military to do on the eve of the Red Blood Moon./////if he did not obey the command his family and kids faced a future that erased their legacy quickly and their holdings..........> If everything goes to plan by the White HATS ALLIANCE..... THE UK MAJESTY WILL SAVE THEIR NAME THROUGH THE FUTURE KING "SAVOR" WILLIAM ( PRINCE WILLIAM) .Two years ago I had told you inside the ROTHSCHILDS family was a MOLE. SLEEPER[ TURN COAT]>>>> this agent is LADY ROTHSCHILD her self the wife of Evelyn de Rothschild...........>>>> She is the one creating CHAOS INSIDE THE ROTHSCHILDS REGIMEN>OPS.she was placed as [ INFILTRATION ,] insideWEF...... SHE HOLDS IMPORTANT WORLD CONNECTIONS..... That is already turning on NATO.UN. ELITE ESTABLISHMENT.The death of Evelyn de Rothschild THE RED COAT.... Was a placed death on red BLOOD MOON eve..... And was symbolical of a NEW ERA . ( Most people didn't realize they were already living inside the NEW WORLD ORDERSYSTEM FOR OVER A CENTURY..< now that era  has ended)///// ....a NEW ERA BEGINS....THE GOLDEN ERA.Have FAITH. MIL.OPs. Are securing the WORLD.The world is connected. -Q________Post 7


Death of >Aaron Carter <Aaron was KILLED. ... Recently he opened up against FBI operations that involved framing MICHAEL JACKSON as they wanted to use him a few years back to testify against Jackson as a molestion victim. Aarons own mother was part of [ DS] operations ( FBI. Cia. Hollywood ELITES, music CABAL) that tried to coax her son into the dark operations._Aaron Carter also acknowledged his own sister raped him as a child for three years into his teenAaron Carter strongly openly defended Micheal Jackson.... Days before Carter's death his own girlfriend ( who was infiltrated and came under control of DS music industry Sony C_A) TOLD him he was "GOING TO DIE SOON"Carter had been tryin to leave Hollywood and CIA ( FBI) handlers that controlled his mom who was well aware of Satanic Hollywood pedophilia rings.... That why she allowed her son and daughter to sexually rape Aaron as a child........ Carter pleased for help on online website asking for funding to leave California.( His mother took is 10 million and institutionalized him a few times and took control of his wealth like Brittany spears saga)//// > Aaron Carter was on the edge of EXPOSING THE PREFILLED PEDOPHILE RING IN HOLLYWOOD CONNECTED TO SONY RECORDS .FBI.CIA....... That was the reason he reached out to KANYE WEST ( KANYE had just posted a message of Deep State handlers that threatened him in the same moment Carter reached out to him ) "Yo Kanye let’s talk… man to man.”........  ( Carter was wanting help and protection from Kanye and was willing to EXPOSURE the industry)///Micheal Jackson also wanted to EXPOSe the music industry and pedophilia they put him through and all the dark skeletons of CIA music industry ( but they reversed the plan on him)... Micheal Jackson wanted to EXPOSE> SONY especially Tommy mottola inside the human trafficking ring. Pedophilia.> So Does KANYE WEST wanting to EXPOSE SONY... THE CIA MUSIC INDUSTRY>So did Aaron Carters beef with SONY who owed him millions.......Unfortunately... Aaron. Carter didn't have the the protection of Mil. Alliance...........How do you think Micheal Jackson was killed.Aaron was KILLED and so many musicians who wanted to EXPOSe the Satanic pedophilia, human trafficking, drug smuggling music industry CIA operations protected by the FBI were are all KILLED....... Like JIMMY HENDRIXECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT ECT......As the truth MOVEMENT moves forward and military operations continuing working throughCHESS MOVES.. TWITTER. Truth socialPatreon. Rumble..... ECT..... One thing is for sure...... KANYE is being PROTECTED ( sources reveal several attempts on his life as he moves heavily with Armed military Guards)/////You have more than you know_Q________The news is fake. The WAR is real.Post 8


TRUMP and DeSantis are playing a part. Their growing feud Will grow more!!!!....IT'S ALL A SHOW!!!!!!( it's for a reason..... Not All  Republican voters Trust TRUMP nor do the deserters of Democratic party ( voters).... This sector of the New REPUBLICANs WILL VOTE FOR DESANTIS<)/////LATER IN END SUMMER. TRUMP AND DESANTIS WILL UNITE THEIR PARTIES!WIRES; TRUMP & DESANTIS WILL Run together for 2024 and their announcement WILL COME AFTER MAJOR FEUDING ERUPTS BETWEEN THEM 🎥Behind the scenes The White HATS military have CLOSED all doors to Ivanka ever running for president as she had hoped for in 2018////// As Baron Trump is being led> EXPECTED to be the YOUNGEST PRESIDENT IN U.S. HISTORY in 2036 or 2040  ( Mil. Ops are far ahead in PLANNING)..For now Mil source say it's only logical for White Hats to hold the U.S. POWER FOR THE NEXT 12 YEARS.....>. TRUMP & DESANTIS>>>>>>>> In 2028 DESANTIS WILL EASILY WIN PRESIDENCY ( OF THE BACK OF TRUMP AND BEING VICE PRESIDENT TO TRUMP)... AND DESANTIS WILL HOLD PRESIDENT FOR THE NEXT 8 YEARS AFTER.......(THESE WHITE HAT MILITARY OPERATIONSPLACEMENT OF PRESIDENTS IS VERY IMPORTANT AND THE SHOW BETWEEN TRUMP AND DESANTIS 🎥 >>> STAGED///)))Post 9


☝️ this is CONNECTED to what I wrote few days agohttps://youtu.be/W3BtNb49OF4

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light



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