Supreme Court Poised To Take Down Congress

Thanks to my Light Warrior friend Emma for this brilliant link - it's a MUST WATCH intel video (ten minutes). Qatriot presents a highly plausible scenario for the Supreme Court suddenly taking down most of USA Congress, any day soon. Please pass it on.

Jean Claude, Janine (tarot) and Julie (astrology) do a comprehensive read on the Qatriot video. It does feel as if everything is falling into place. The next two weeks promise to be very interesting. Buckle up, friends.

President Trump said that we would have a great Christmas. And remember the Que drop pic of the Christmas grotto at Trump Towers..? Santa is holding a hammer. BOOM.

This Gateway Pundit article about the [F]auci deposition is further evidence of the [D]eep [S]tate demise. Dominoes are falling everywhere.

Incoming horror story - some countries, including UK and New Zealand, are pushing for SOLE pilots on commercial flights due to staff shortages. Is this the step too far that will finally awaken humanity...? If this appalling scenario is enacted, I sincerely hope travellers vote with their feet and run swiftly in the opposite direction. May be time for the revival of cruise ship travel between continents. Or teleporting, which would be my pick...!

The predictive powers of The Simpsons is most impressive. Project Looking Glass...?? Check out this Musk connection from a 2015 episode. And just before the 2016 election too. Interesting timing.


Excellent compilation from Kat re the massive FTX scandal. The [D]eep [S]tate house of cards is tumbling down with increasing rapidity.


I agree with this meme.

Powerful re-Truth from President Trump. Love it.


Finally, a delightful little video montage of our Commander-in-Chief, with the people. Beautiful music too. Enjoy.

Light Warriors, THIS is your time. You trained for this mission for hundreds of lifetimes. Please keep your energy strong and positive. I know, we are all very weary and have our despondent moments. I freely admit to having a moment like that last night. But all it took was a chat with two close Light Warrior friends this morning and I was back in the fight with renewed energy.

Swords up...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Bless you!! Agreed I get excited then a bit down ..I am impatient I admit but I know we got this!!

    1. Being a Light Warrior is a big emotional rollercoaster ride, Doug. Thank goodness we are in good company, with many millions of us worldwide...! Love and Light to you.

    2. Agreed! We all want it to happen yesterday but I know there is a coordinated plan and events have to manifest step by step..once we see something so definitive so absolute that will be so exciting! An EBS wld excite all of us!! The rest wld be in some fear we wld know yes yes yes! Brazil military is waiting for the green light so I imagine so are the rest of the world!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Caroline, lovely to hear from you.

  3. Hi Sierra, I also felt strange the other day to the point I started crying. I think there are days when we are transmuting the negative energies of the masses. You are doing a fabulous job!

    1. Thank you Indigo. And yes, that is exactly how I felt, on the edge of tears. Your theory that we are transmuting the collective negative energy makes a lot of sense. Love and Light to you!

  4. I like your idea of teleporting - wherever - lol ..... Love and Light, DD

    1. When you live at the bottom of the Earth (depending if you believe it's round..!), and you have to travel for around 20-30 hours to get anywhere in the northern hemisphere, teleporting is a VERY attractive option.

    2. Wow - yes, it would be. How about a MagLev train? 😉🚅 Surely there's one close to you..?

    3. DD, I am sure there are maglev trains whizzing around in the tunnels underneath Aussie and NZ. We would like to think they have been taken over by the Alliance. All aboard...!!

  5. I so appreciate the posts and links you choose to share, and your daily insightful commentary Sierra. You are becoming one of my top go tos each morning. We are prevailing, and it’s so great to finally see overtly. Thanks for all you do in this light worker and patriot community. 🙏🏻💛

    1. Thank you Alice - your lovely feedback is so appreciated. We must see humanity over the finish-line into the world of freedom, peace and prosperity that is their BIRTHRIGHT. The last part of this battle is not for the faint-hearted, but we are in it together, to the end. Swords up...! Love, Light and hugs to you.


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