[D]eep [S]tate Is All Connected

A meme reminder that the [D]eep [S]tate is ALL connected. Oh, and this is original [B]iden who clearly looks nothing like the current fake version played by actors wearing masks.

Kat posted two QTSR posts that help to explain how the Alliance operation started.

🌪️ (Q) The Storm Rider

🎄 Christmas Eve 1963
was the day 77 U.S. GENERALS came together
& The Plan was born To Save The World.
Three months later 133 GENERALS
became part of OP FREEDOM EAGLE35.
You are a witness to a 59-YEAR MILITARY DELTA



😼 2 coups
Against President Kennedy, 1963
Against President Trump, 2020
The first was THE STARTER
The second is THE FINISHER

"Every 'President' after Jack but Reagan & Trump
are all CIA."
~ John McAfee

This young woman NAILS red-pilling in just over one minute. Pass it on.

No sane person on this planet will argue with this meme in years to come. It will have been proven beyond any doubt. I would alter the text to read 'world history'.

F bomb warning. I love this meme. I totally resonate with it.

Yes, we Light Warriors DO wish that we were wrong about the evil depraved [s]atanists who have controlled us for millennia. Unfortunately, we know that we are right.

Finally, UK Light Warrior Martin Geddes is an excellent photographer - and he's pretty skilled with words too. Enjoy.

They knew.
We didn’t know.
They knew we didn’t know.
We didn’t know we didn’t know.
Then we saw things we knew were new to know.
Now we know we didn’t know what we thought we knew.
They know we know they knew we didn’t know, and do know now.
We know they didn’t know that we would know that they knew when we didn’t.
Knowing what we know now scares them.
We know they are scared of our knowing.
They know we know they are scared.
That’s even scarier, you know.
And you know what’s good to know?
The best is yet to come.
And we all know it.
Even them.
I know.

—The Great Awakening

It was quite a mixed bag today - just popping in to say 'hi'. When I was a MSM journalist, I was responsible for an entire page once a week in my local newspaper. I knew I had to come up with content, no matter what. That ability is coming in very handy many years later...!

If you are in the northern hemisphere, sending you the warmest of wishes. If you are in the southern hemisphere and the sun is shining - enjoy. You don't know what weather you'll be experiencing in a few hours time.

Fortunately, we Light Warriors are the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. It takes far more than a giant snow drift, devastating flood or crippling heat wave to knock us off our game.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All

Love and Light



  1. Hi Sierra would it be possible to send you a tiktok video I saw on the Ben Fulford report it shows someone filming a biden imposter sideways where you can see it's a mask of biden even though you can see briefly the front of it and even it doesn't look natural.

    1. Hi Scott - I have the Ben Fulford report, I will check out that video. Thanks!

  2. Sierra i wasn't aware you were a journalist but I see now with your updates how you have those skills. Yes real Biden looks nothing like the new Biden of course people who arent awake don't see it or question it's beyond my ability to comprehend now but hey they still think planes slip into bldgs and a pandemic has a 99.8% natural survival rate! How can they awaken with such blinders on?? Only divine intervention now...solar flash..

    1. Yes, the plane slicing through a steel reinforced building like a knife through butter. I shake my head that people honestly believe it happened that way. It will take something BIG to wake up humanity all at once.

  3. After all we've been reading the past 2-3 years (more for some of us) none of this is surprising.
    I'm ready for the end of this movie so we can get going and finally have more fun!!! DD

    1. I am so ready for the end of this movie. Too many people are suffering immensely. It cannot go on...

  4. Did you take down your Dec 27th post today to revise, or was it taken down by Blogger? Phil G is doing a livestream at 8PM Eastern Time, and I'm hoping he may have some news about that info from RRN. Here's a link to his channel: https://rumble.com/c/PhilGodlewski

    1. Thanks for the link CLA. I didn't take it down, and it seems to still be there. I may have been working on it when you popped in...!


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