Musk: 'Let That Sink In...'

Elon Musk said on his first day as CEO at Twitter...'Let that sink in...' as he carried a sink through the foyer. Here is a piece of information that EVERY person on the planet needs to let sink in...

UK Light Warrior Martin Geddes sums it up.

Let’s get this right. Twitter execs were so full of their own sense of importance and superiority that they thought it was their job to decide if the ELECTED President could talk to the PEOPLE.
Wow. Just wow.

This is intriguing. Follow the Rabbit - Alice in Wonderland as referenced by Que...??

Wow, the [D]eep [S]tate house of cards is tumbling down. ARRESTS.

A reminder that BRICS has the global financial situation under control. Trust the Alliance plan.

Meanwhile, Bill [G]ates continues with his genocidal agenda. His latest 'pandemic simulation' targets children. We will NOT allow it to happen.

Finally, here is the link to the latest SGAnon audio. I haven't listened to it yet.

Light Warriors, be proud of your tenacity, courage and patience. I know, at times all three qualities wobble, sometimes multiple times within a day. However, we KEEP GOING. We have not given up. We have strength beyond what we ever imagined was possible. Go, us...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All

Love and Light


  1. Nesara here we come!! Freeing humanity from debt slavery will cause a paradigm shift in vibration thus consciousness!!

    1. SGAnon's words in his latest audio...'NESARA is real...' Believe it...!

    2. I plan to listen to it! Sierra as you know I get impatient and frustrated thank you for allowing me to vent on your amazing blog..your information is great and it has kept me going because there are so few sites to comment and share thoughts amongst these who know ascension is the goal we just have to get thru this transition.

    3. Doug, this journey can be so difficult at times, and we need to support each other by sharing our 'experience, strength and hope' (an AA saying). I always welcome comments and I so enjoy your comments. We are a community of like-minded souls. We are in this together to the end. And yes, perfectly said: 'Ascension is the goal, we just have to get through this transition...' I totally agree. Love and Light to you, my friend.

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