TRUTH Bombs Raining Down...

As a former journalist, I was appalled by this story. A young USA truth journalist returned from Davos and was flagged by TSA. She was searched multiple times and her passport was seized. The [D]eep [S]tate is clearly very desperate if they take so much trouble to detain one young woman. 

A new interview with SGAnon and Aussie Guru Dave. I have only watched a few minutes of it so far but am already impressed.

One America News with a segment about additional [B]iden classified documents that were found in his home. It's so refreshing to see real journalism (story is the first 45" of the video).

This article outlines how [B]iden's Democrat colleagues are abandoning him. He's dead in the water.

President Trump posted about [B]iden and classified documents. Keep it up, Sir - but on Twitter...!

A reminder of just how serious this situation is with [B]iden. Expect BOOM anytime.

It IS possible to create a meme that tells the [D]eep [S]tate timeline from Obama until now. Nice work.

This short video will give you an idea what the DUMBS are like. There is SO much activity underground. We are naive to think that if we cannot see it on the surface, it does not exist. The [D]eep [S]tate has had massive underground bases for decades. There is a sophisticated transport system that links all continents using high-speed trains. As the man said, train tracks.

Short video of an Aussie TV news anchor blatantly lying about jab heart injuries. A commenter wrote this message below it: 'Evil is an understatement...'

If you were hesitant about flying after all the stories about jabbed pilots losing consciousness at the helm, this story will not reassure you. I can see a return to the days of leisurely cruise ship journeys.

This tweet drops a massive TRUTH bomb about the obscene amount of money that was made by jab companies as they injured and killed millions of people. Kudos to Elon Musk for his response.

I mentioned in yesterday's post that those in the Alliance who know about the [s]atanic activities in the DUMBS cannot sleep - and here is the Que drop. It was the five year delta yesterday.

It is the three year delta today (northern hemisphere) for this Que drop. Bring it on.

Finally, I agree with this Light Warrior. She is absolutely right.

How do you wake up the populace when the web of lies is so complex, that unless you were researching this corruption for years, you wouldn't be able to even begin to piece it together and comprehend it all?

It seems that a Great Reveal would have to be the unveiling of a MASSIVE but seemingly SIMPLE LIE that is a foundational belief for everyone in this world. It would have to be so simple that even a child could understand.

A lot of material in today's post. It is indicative of how much is happening in the Alliance operation. As I said to a Light Warrior friend yesterday, the days of 'Nothing happening' are long gone.

Take heart from the multitude of TRUTH bombs that are now raining down upon humanity. Sooner or later, even the sleepiest of sleepers will look up and go...'Huh..? What's going on here...?'


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Michael Jaco: "When these systems collapse silver and gold will skyrocket to all-time highs. These are the monetary instruments of God."

    "Bank runs are beginning but are being covered up. Stocks will plunge, banks will close, silver will soar."

    1. Thanks for sharing, Wayne. This is important information.

  2. SGAnon: "These tribunals that are scheduled for this year; I believe we are going to see them for three or four years. There is a lot to come out here. We do have to have justice and vengeance."

    "(1/12/2023) - SGAnon Sits Down w/ Michael Jaco and Kevin Hoyt"

    1. It makes sense that it will take a long time to get through the tribunals. Once they get underway, the world will never be the same again.

    2. This makes sense. History repeating. Nuremberg started in 1945, and concluded in 1949. What was learned? Well,the public quickly lost interest in the trials. The public was overly fatigued from years of war. I think now how my Grand Dad would say "We didn't give a dam about those trials. We just wanted to get on with our lives." While Evil doesn't want anyone to know, I am convinced this is one of the reasons the 'Alliance' has been keeping as quiet as possible. IMO In the end the sleeping beauties will be glued to these tribunals while light workers will be busy helping with their psychology & getting everything new started, up & running. Many years of work ahead & I can't wait to get to work on this effort.

    3. Great comment, Phud. Thank you for sharing your grandfather's experience - it is such a valuable insight into how war affects humanity. And I agree about the years of work ahead for Light Warriors. We signed on for it, and it will be a huge privilege. Love and Light to you.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for your support, Caroline, much appreciated.


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