Tweet Of The Week

Brilliant. I love it. Tweet of the Week.

Meanwhile James O'Keefe at Project Veritas is going for it. We Are With You...!

This MSNBC talking head is pure evil. Watch as she explains away her life-threatening jab-induced heart attack and myocarditis as being caused by a 'virus' (translation: get another jab).

Pre-jab I didn't even know what myocarditis was let alone know how to spell it.

This story about the sudden death of a jabbed six year old girl is beyond heart-breaking. Despite the whole family having side effects they continued to get the jab and booster shots. There are no words for this level of ignorance and blind dependence on doctors and MSM. 

People are waking up to the TRUTH about the jab - Pfizer's stock value is dropping. Karma.

President Trump has a new profile pic on Truth Social. You can see a Q around his nose.

Finally, this is great advice. Every one of us Light Warriors was a newbie at one point.

It's interesting that President Trump's new social media profile picture features war paint. Our Commander-in-Chief is letting his Light Warriors know that we are now in the heat of the battle. We are ready, Sir. Bring it on.

Swords up...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site. 

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. It is tragic to see children dying as most likely they called the advice of their parents to take an experimental mRNA injection despite being perfectly healthy and having already survived a pandemic with a 0.02% mortality rate. People are dying and statiny without the jab it maybe been worse! Yes it's extremely hard if not impossible to reach these people. I say this as I have a sister and older brother who fall into this camp, nothing I showed them even back to 9ii days and the blatant lies we were told would shake their faith in the media. Even thought they are Democrats and Bush was in office it made no difference to them..those planes really hit those bldgs and our air force was completely unable to stop them. ?? It only got worse from there as I tried to show them all the utter inconsistencies as each new false flag was rolled out..Truman show is spot many can't awaken and realize how they are manipulated daily . Let's hope divine intervention comes soon because so far I see no change in their awareness no questions to me at least perhaps they are questioning but won't ask me. I only hope this is happening and Light all!!

    1. The Thailand decision to take action against Pfizer is a massive game-changer, Doug. I think events will move very quickly now. Love and Light to you.

  2. 10-4 to the C-i-C ...... we are ready! Many Blessings and God speed!

    1. God Speed indeed, DD. Love, Light and hugs to you.


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