Alliance Is Winning - Big Time

Congressman Jim Jordan is standing up against the [D[eep [S]tate. He has been a consistent voice for the Alliance. His latest move is brilliant. Thanks to blog reader Faith for forwarding this short video to me. Faith and I have always been big fans of Jim Jordan...! Enjoy.

As a former journalist, it is such a pleasure for me to write a post featuring REAL journalists who stood their ground against the [D]eep [S]tate. Twitter file journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger refused to reveal their sources after being grilled by a Democrat. Jim Jordan interceded on their behalf. Love it (short video).

The rumblings of an imminent financial collapse are getting louder. USA Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said they are 'closely watching' a few banks. Be prepared with some cash, extra food and gas in your car. Anything could happen at any time. Please remember a 'financial collapse' is part of the optics to awaken people - your money is safe.

Good news. This is what is REALLY happening in the world - you won't see it on MSM.

Check out this compilation video of President Trump talking about [B]iden being 'shot'. He said it multiple times. Then, right at the end, President Trump said, 'He's a different guy. He looks different, he acts different...' President Trump is TELLING us - those with ears to hear and eyes to see - that [B]iden was executed and replaced with a body double (short video).

I have always enjoyed PepeLivesMatter's inspirational and calming posts. I resonate with this particular post. Many of us are being severely tested right now, Light Warriors. This is not the time for us to give up, right on the finish line. This is the time to TOUGHEN up...! Those are strong words from this Light Warrior. I'm a small person, to the point that I can buy clothes from the childrens department (who cares and who knows once the labels are cut out). But right now I feel like a 6' 6" foot Viking warrior. I am absolutely determined not to falter when the finish line is SO CLOSE.

Another lovely positive message from a Light Warrior.

Good night Patriots!
Sweet dreams of where you want to go next!
Remember to keep your frequency high
Stay connected to God directly.
Many more are waking up, more and more each day with the disclosures.
Also remember to have compassion for the newbies and share information as they need it.
Try not to bombard them with everything at once.

Finally, many Light Warriors are having relationship issues with friends and family members where there is a parting of the ways, whether suddenly and dramatically or quietly and gradually. Allow it to happen. Allow. It means that the soul contract has ended. You were only meant to journey with them to this point. Trying to hold onto these connections impedes the soul growth of both people.

Yes, there will be sadness and a sense of void/loss for a short while. I know what that is like, believe me. But trust the Universe to bring in new people who are a vibrational match for you. You are ascending very rapidly and the departure of people who are not moving forward with you creates space for new soul tribe members to join you.

Do not be afraid of the void/loss phase. It is short-lived, especially with the extraordinary speed of the incoming energies. Instead, use the quiet time to go deep within yourself. Become your own best friend during this lull time. You are never alone. A big team of off-planet spirit guides and teachers stands by you at all times. 

Okay, done...! That was down-loaded from Upstairs. I have no idea what I wrote until I look back.

Hugs to all brave Light Warrior blog readers. You are an amazing bunch of souls who took on a mission that few could handle. But you are doing it, albeit with some wobbles (me too..!), but you are doing it - one day at a time.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the linki to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I feel sooo far away from sooo many people... I fondly remember good times with them, funny situations, special moments... They will remain in memory with their intrinsic value. But now, I don't miss any of them. Sometimes I wonder if I haven't become cold, heartless. But since I feel at peace with this situation, I prefer to think that our paths have diverged.

    1. I know exactly what you mean, Ric, about wondering if you have become cold and heartless. I have grappled with that thought too. But I always refer to Dolores Cannon's books written many years ago that talked about this time. Her regression clients said to keep moving forward, don't look back. The people who are meant to ascend with us will be at our side - those that are not will just drift away. We won't feel drawn to reach out to them anymore, and they won't feel drawn to reach out to us. It's a natural parting of the ways. Seems tough but it is an organic natural proceess. You are not alone, my friend. All Light Warriors are going through this process right now. Love, Light and hugs to you.

  2. I watched that rally live when he said Joe was shot - lol. Hugs back to you. . . Love & Light, DD

    1. It's good to be reminded of those things President Trump said. Love, Light and hugs to you!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, so lovely to see your purple hearts...! Hugs to you.

  4. While We Wait
    We can experience the incoming energies from the higher world.
    We can become the best friend of our human self.
    We can know that we are never alone.
    We can realize that off-world guides stand by us.
    We can learn from off-world teachers the divine truth.
    We can experience product manifestation if it is for our highest good.
    We can receive download from higher beings when writing.
    We can take on an Earth mission that few can handle.
    We can look foward and not look back.
    (Learned from Stargate Newsletter)

    1. Wayne, this is a beautiful comment, thank you. I really appreciate your thoughtfulness. We are in this together, my friend.

  5. Biden actor clearly not the original. I too have siblings I have attempted to awaken in different ways to no avail. Nothing seems to make them question but to be fair they simply won't look at anything other than CNN MSNBC etc so until they go full truth many can't awaken. We may have a division after all..I wld love it if all could unite but perhaps this won't happen..we shall.
    Yes protect your vibration I love this site we can all share.

    1. Yes, Doug, this community is about sharing our experiences, strength and hope (as we say in AA). It is always lovely to see your comments. I appreciate you!

  6. Recently I just found out that besides the movie White Noise, there's another 2011 movie titled "Super 8" which also has in its plot a train derailment in a fictional town in Ohio, although this movie is more of an alien theme. That's too much of a coincidence to have 2 movies with train derailments in Ohio.

    1. Wow, JN, you are right - that is no coincidence. Predictive programming, right there. Great share, thanks!

  7. Sierra, thank you! I make sure to check out your blog every day here in HOMESTEAD/Miami FLA. USA

    1. Mike, you are so welcome...! Lovely to hear from you from Miami, Florida. I hope to visit one day after this movie is over...!


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