Excellent TRUTH Video (1' 30")
Wow. The entire chilling TRUTH about the world controllers in a 1' 30" video. Please pass it on. Not surprisingly, it had 1.3 million views when I watched it.
This is a major back-pedal from the WHO about jabbing children for [C]ovid. They now state that healthy children and teens don't need to be vaccinated. Where is the accountability and compensation for the millions of children injured or killed because of their original recommendation?
The MSM is turning on [F]auci at last - the New York Times has published a hit piece on him. The [D]eep [S]tate must be running out of money if they can no longer afford to fund the NYT. It is a good sign.
This medical journal article should be enough to have [F]auci arrested for genocide, along with his evil off-siders. The article backs up recent research that discovered chloroquine is a wonder remedy.

It only takes a 28 second video to demonstrate that the [B]iden actor is NOT the real USA President.
Que predicted that the Pope would have a 'bad May'. Looks as if it is underway.
BREAKING: Vatican: Pope to be hospitalized for several days for pulmonary infection, had difficulty breathing in recent days - AP
Speaking of Que, I love this Que drop connection from Cowboyw2b. Brilliant.

Here is another great piece of dot-connecting from Cowboyw2b. Hmmm. Didn't Que say 'April showers bring May flowers'...? Also 7th April is Good Friday.

Marjorie Taylor Greene dropped truth bombs about the Nashville shooting.

Fear porn about cash shortages. Don't buy into it. Have some cash, of course, but please do not panic.
Finally, my friend Emma sent me this wonderful image of Light Warriors supporting each other during the height of the storm. We are holding our Lights high for humanity while the storm rages around us. We are the bravest of the brave. Go, us...! Source of pic unknown, sorry.
Keep your faith strong, lovely people. Humanity will need every single one of you at your post when the SHTF. Until that moment, take good care of yourself by eating well, drinking LOTS of water, resting, connecting with Light Warrior friends, minimizing contact with negative people - and remembering to laugh. Always, laughter.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light
This morning took me three goes just to place my kettle on element correctly. Still laughing..🤗
ReplyDeleteI headed down my hall way holding items destined for the fridge. Also still laughing...!
DeleteThank you Sierra excellent update!! We are in the storm but the portal opens further every hour ..the energies are coming
ReplyDeleteYou are very welcome, Doug...! We are indeed right in the eye of the storm now, my friend. Enjoy the momentum as it builds.
ReplyDeleteThanks Caroline, Love and Light to you...!
DeleteMauri ora from Aoteoroa NZ
ReplyDeleteTe aroha me te Marama ki a koe e hoa