Happy Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day weekend to USA readers. I hope you are taking the opportunity to relax with good food and good (hopefully awake) company. A solemn reminder of the reason for Memorial Day weekend.

President Trump gave a powerful speech condemning FBI and DOJ interference in US elections. The video is 11 minutes but his gut-punch can be viewed in the first 25".

Interesting development. Watch this space.

Here is a six-minute video of Dr David Martin's excellent speech to the EU exposing the TRUTH about the Scamdemic. Please pass it on.

On a very serious note, I make no apologies for including this meme I found in Starship Earth's latest newsletter. As BP says, no one on Earth will get to avoid the horrendous truth about child sex trafficking and child [s]atanic sacrifices. If we Light Warriors are ever tempted to feel sorry for ourselves, we just need to say out loud: 'Think of the children. We are doing it for them.'

Years ago, while diving deep down one of many rabbit holes about [a]drenochrome, the enormity of the scale of horror suddenly hit me. I started sobbing from the bottom of my heart over the unimaginable terror and trauma experienced by those little helpless children. We CANNOT give up, Light Warriors. The Que team has made it clear THEY will not rest until all the children are safe. That must be our motto too.

I am off to spend time with Emma, my Light Warrior friend. We like to eat cheese scones and play word games. It's our way of taking a break from the world of intel.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. It's the children and what has been done I question the galactics and source how many of this could be allowed to happen so long...just being honest...earth has been a prison planet pure and simple no growth here just misery...it's a rescue mission to end the madness!

  2. Let's stop this now! Solar flesh!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline. Take care, Love and Light to you.


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