President Trump On Durham Report: 'TREASON!!!'

 One word sums up the outcome of the Durham Report...

Now we await the PUBLIC arrests, bearing in mind that the main protagonists were arrested, tried and executed years ago.

Do you know what...? I totally get this meme, excuse the pun. The lies are so complex that if you have not been closely following the [D]eep [S]tate narrative from the beginning, on a daily basis, it would be really hard to pick up the threads now.

The cognitive dissonance has been so deeply engrained with most people, this is how the conversation would most likely go...

I am not sharing those two memes to insult people who followed MSM and missed all the action. I am sharing them to illustrate how difficult our job will be as Light Warriors to fill in the gaps in their understanding of the TRUTH. I honestly don't know where to begin. Maybe we could say, 'Ask me questions and hopefully I can answer them for you...' Otherwise, trying to disseminate the vast tracts of TRUTH would be an enormous task.

Moving on... USA Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was asked by a reporter what will happen if the USA defaults on payments on 1st June. She replied: 'It's widely agreed that financial and economic chaos would ensue...' (short video).

Thanks Vincent, love it.


Finally, this meme is so true. As the 'great divide' between 3D and 5D unfolds, we can see who our tribe members really are. Sadly, many have fallen away - and that is how it must be. Remember, there will be new higher-vibe tribe members come into your life to replace them. All is well.

How is everyone feeling today..? I admit to feeling quite discombobulated over the last few days (love that word). I feel as if I am traveling in an alternative universe with no road map. Life is a little weird, as if I am looking at everything through glass. Everyone around me is going about their usual daily business and I to one side. I am taking comfort from the fact that I have lovely 5D friends - the kind of tribe people I can phone and tell them what I just wrote, and they would say, 'Yeah, I know what you mean, me too.' Thank goodness for my tribies...!

Hang in there, Light Warriors. We are super sensitive to the energies which could explain our intuitive sense of incoming BIG STUFF before it happens.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Exactly I have felt out of place .. not belonging here's must change or I must go somewhere where truth and reason reign supreme and all are aware and high vibe! Not that I am a perfect high vibe person I don't eat perfectly and I enjoy a cold beer but heck..this has been going on for years and we have to stay happy right?? I get lots of sun and I say the mantra alot and I follow a few sites like your Sierra ...and I await the EBS

    1. Doug, I have never been interested in preparing food - it's a chore that I deal with on a daily basis. And your beer is my dark chocolate (Whittakers, hopefully no heavy metals, haven't checked yet...) We do what we can to keep going, my friend. We Light Warriors WILL survive and see Victory. Love and Light to you.

    2. Ahh me too love dark chocolate and I actually pray over my beer .. and I try to drink plenty of lemon water and no pop or fast's not easy I know even the organic food may not be pure we are in a rough much being tampered with. I try to catch the sun early and late to help the pineal gland..I am not the best meditator I have to admit..I was better yrs ago..ironic I know my patience is the problem so I offset with being kind and getting in the sun. Take care my NZ friend we got this!

  2. Douglas Macgregor: "81 nations are headed to Saint Petersburg in June for a major conference, the purpose of which is to bring them into this larger plan to back currency with gold."

    "Underestimating Russia: Arrogance and Misjudgment"

    1. "The 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum is set to take place on 14–17 June 2023." (

    2. Thank so much for this intel, Wayne. I have huge respect for Col. MacGregor. This information is exciting.

  3. The energies sure feel strong to me, some days I feel high and then I also get extremely tired. My diet is mainly fruits and veggies, greens, and some grain. I had to give up meat, eggs and fish many years ago as my body started reacting negatively. My mom cooked from scratch everyday so I do this everyday as well. My mind goes into another state when I am preparing food and I feel really calm. I had a friend that used to get extreme anxiety when having to prepare food and would not allow anyone in the kitchen, lol. I always imagine the taste and see the dish in my mind before I decide what I am going to prepare. I don’t drink everyday or even every week, but I do enjoy red wine once in awhile. I also sit out in the sun and can feel the pressure in my third eye.

    Sometimes I am feeling a distinct energy on top of my head in the crown area as if a clearing is happening. I have felt this numerous times. I always touch my head to make sure I don’t have a spider or bug crawling on me.

    I am wondering with all the high energies coming to the planet that maybe most people will get cleared enough that eventually the truth will be easier for them to see…I hope. I have heard from two of my sisters that coworkers they have known for so long suddenly appear to be dumbed down, like they don’t remember how to do the tasks they we’re always doing…totally vax related and how awful. Of course they think this was from Covid.

    Love both memes above and yes eventually everyone’s true Color’s will be seen as we will all be able to read each other and know who is sincere or not. This will be a great day as it is not just the dark ones but there are a lot of humans that don’t live with integrity and try to harm others with lies.

    1. Thanks for sharing, Indigo, love your feedback. Unfortunately, I suffer from food prep anxiety because I don't enjoy preparing food and can't do it with people I don't know well. I have always felt alienated from, and anxious about food preparation. Clearly I am more designed for starships and replicators!
      Yes, touching my head because I feel something there - me too.
      The memes speak to our journey as Light Warriors and ascending souls. We are not alone!

  4. I concur with what Sierra is experiencing and also all your statements. Same here!!!!

    1. Lovely to hear from you Smudge. It's so comforting to know that other people also feel like we do.

  5. Seriously discombobulated (love that word) too. Everything is so fast & odd, full moonesque.
    Shine on (^:

    1. Full moonesque - love it, Pip! Shine on...

    2. Thanks DD, it's a momentous time astrologically. We have a fixed grand cross from 17 - 22nd May, where we may feel stuck. Afterwards, the energy will flow...

  6. Hey all the world seems crazy at the moment i agree but i must be riding a great wave at the moment because im loving every minute light and love wwg1wga

    1. Ar hie, wonderful that you are loving every minute of this crazy journey. Bottle what you've got and make it available to the rest of us! Actually, most of the time I feel fine - certainly it helps to keep occupied, and spend time outdoors and with like-minded souls.

  7. MTG used her power today 5/18/23. She filed Articles of Impeachment on FIVE Officials!! Yea!

  8. Hoje,muito distante do inicio dos primeiros passos dessa jornada,posso perceber que o primeiro JUMP ocorreu lá pelos sete anos.Infelizmente não foram contínuos.E no nosso momento atual percebemos que embora ,tantas vezes,tenha tentado ter sido uma catalizador e ajudar nos despertar de muitos ,foi frustrante.,pois acredito que a chave esta do lado de dentro da porta e não me permitem entrar para desperta-los.
    E' como foi dito: - "clamando no deserto" Mas com o semeador continuo jogando as sementes na terra,na esperança que alguns deles brotem
    Obrigado e Good Day !
    Jaques Teixeira(SC)Brasil


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