Profound Light Warrior Video

I have very little for today's post. There is no new intel. Basically I have just dropped by to say 'Hi!'...!

I do want to draw your attention to this profound little video by a fellow Light Warrior. The video title reads 'Your Not Alone'. Of course, that should be 'You're Not Alone'. Nit picky though because the video is so moving.

Here is direct proof that a New Zealand political party leader LIED about excess deaths in New Zealand over the last three years. Thank to blog reader Rhonnie for sending me this article.

This QTSR intel is from Kat - it seems that the Alliance will allow the [D]eep [S]tate to proceed with their fake alien invasion, ahead of the TRUE disclosure.


A meme for dog lovers...

And that's it from sunny New Zealand. My eyes just landed on the word 'inhale' on a piece of paper on my desk, to do with a breathing exercise. It feels to be that we Light Warriors are right at the end of the longest inhale imaginable - and very shortly we will have a HUGE exhale that will bring great relief and release from the tension. That's what it feels like, doesn't it..? We are all holding our breath.

Well, my strongest sense is that we won't have long to wait until a startling GLOBAL event happens that transfixes humanity to the point that life on Earth will never be the same again afterwards.

Hang in there, friends! Not long now.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. We were placed here by advanced ETs.. making us aliens ourselves 😉 Elohim Builder Race ..Pleaidians and so many others have played a part in our DNA ..I read 22 different races are represented in our DNA. A fake alien invasion like war of the worlds complete with CGI cities being destroyed might not raise the collective vibration 😆😆but at least it would wake people up that ETs are real so that's a benefit right? So many people I know can't fathom they were created by blows their mind and their religion apart. Of course all is 1 so yes all is Good so actually For did create us all of you follow that logic.
    I wonder what Ben Fulford has to say today will check. Have a great day Sierra and thank you!!

  2. Ug..God not good and not For .fat thumbs

  3. All the Pfizer and Moderna info has been hacked and released to the public at:

  4. We are not alone, indeed. It's heartwarming to see lightwarriors express this feeling of unity, love it. But the most important company, the definitive one, the one that never fails, is that of the divine spark of our spirit and that of our own soul.


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