Something Is Afoot Globally

I am opening with an interesting NZ tweet that my friend Emma sent me. When you add this rumor to troop movements in USA and Aussie, there is clearly something afoot. Please use your discernment, as always.

This post by Kat summarizes the current USA military movement story, as confirmed by trusted Alliance source Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

The most IMPORTANT POINT is WHO re-Tweeted Alex Plitsas
→ Ezra A. Cohen.

🇺🇸 6-17-23 Alex’s Tweet:
Just wait until the tin foil loons find out that there are
Military vehicles and troops currently

🇺🇸 Ezra A. Cohen aka Ezra Cohen-Watnick
is one of the most important behind-the-scenes figures
in this miraculous Plan To Save The World.

He is currently [I believe] running USSF.

He served as acting under Sec. of Defense for Intelligence
during the Trump administration.

Previously he was acting Sec of Def for Special Operations
& low-intensity conflict.

Nat sec adviser to the US AG.

And former senior Dir for Intelligence for US Nat Security Council.

If Ezra C-W says there’s Military in EVERY MAJOR AMERICAN CITY
you can believe it—UNLESS—it’s a QTeam ruse 😎

🇺🇸 “We follow the vision of President John F. Kennedy
who predicted the rise of Special Operations nearly 60 years ago.”
- Ezra Cohen-Watnick, 11-18-20 🕊

This Real Raw News article is important not just because former Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer was found guilty of treason in GITMO and will hang. It is important because official testimony proves State Governors like Whitmer and Newsom KNEW [C]ovid was fake and that lockdowns were implemented to see if people would mindlessly follow orders. Sadly, they did. Thanks to Michigan blog reader DD for alerting me to this information.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) is investigating Trudeau for obstruction of justice. It's an old case but still.

Tucker Carlson is almost single-handedly destroying the USA [D]eep [S]tate media. Love it.

Note the first sentence in this DS newspaper story: 'Having children is the most destructive thing a person can do to the environment...' Pure evil.

Maybe we will finally see the long-awaited tweet from President Trump: 'My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us..'


This is great stuff. Go, Elon Musk and Joe Rogan.

Elon and Rogan (two of the most influential ppl on Earth) are forcing them (DS) into another impossible situation. The RFK/Dr. Hotez debate charity pot is over 2.5 M.

If Hotez refuses to debate, TERRIBLE look and leads to mass red pilling.
If he accepts the debate, Big Pharma is about to be gutted like a fish.

Popcorn ready 🍿

This meme is obvious to us, but keep it to educate your friends and family members.

Always remember that we are watching a movie.

I am including this meme because I used to watched the Munsters when I was a child - yes, in the times of black and white telly...!

Finally, I am going to share a little analogy with you about 'keeping going'. Recently I read that a top UK fitness expert in her 70's does the yoga exercise the Plank every morning for two minutes. She said it is the ONLY exercise that she does for strengthening her core. Well, I have been doing the Plank every day for several months now. It. Is. HARD. It is the hardest 1' 45" of my day (I haven't made it to two minutes and might never...!). However, my point is two fold: Firstly, the Plank is super hard but I am still doing it every day...Secondly, once I start doing the Plank, I keep going until I make it to 1' 45". I don't quit part way through and collapse to the floor (I do that at the end...!). I keep going.

Light Warrior, giving up is not an option when the going gets tough. 



Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. As long as I don't have to walk the plank I will keep going! 😆
    Seems promising military appears to be staging now for orders to start the arrests!! Imagine what the DS is thinking now! Having children is actually the key to raising the collective vibration and spiritual level of earth which is exactly why the DS want fewer babies.

    1. Tee hee, Doug..! Yes, of course they don't want more children on the planet, especially the highly evolved souls coming in now...

  2. Michael Jaco: "Some cities are going to be cordoned off because there is no one within those cities that will support a military limited martial law. Limited martial law means that the military would come in and surround a known area of deep state activity and cordon it off and say "you guys surrender, time for military tribunals"."

    "Deep State takedown is moving into the next phase."

    1. Thanks Wayne, that intel from Michael Jaco makes perfect sense.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you...!

  4. If you use as an argument the free vaccines against insulin, etc., be prepared, because you can hear an unappealable counterargument: That a person with diabetes or cancer does not spread their disease. So watch out for that.

    (The plank is really tough! Even for me, when I was used to doing 40 push-ups daily.)

    1. Ric, interesting counter argument. Good point. And thanks for confirmation that the Plank is tough...!!

  5. Anything free from this govt = A short life span 😆. Of course med beds will resolve all the medical issues and making your body alkaline kills all cancer and other dis eases's simple yet cheap so it's not promoted by the media or AMA. Planks and pushups great exercises that don't cost a thing.. some dumb bells for curls and military press I think it's called..overhead

    1. That is SO true, Doug, that anything free from the govt equals a shorter life span. Years ago, when Coca Cola was cheaper than milk, I knew that the govt was trying to destroy the health of children.


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