Brilliant Lara Logan Video

Truth journalist Lara Logan hit it out the park in this video. She explains why the dark forces target children. It is a chilling explanation and makes sense based on what we know about the [s]atanists. Lara is my idol. She is intelligent, fearless and this video is essential viewing to understand what we Light Warriors are dealing with when it comes to the [D]eep [S]tate. Please pass it on (3' 26" video).

I agree with Lara - I don't like describing the dark forces as 'elites' either. They couldn't be further removed from elite.

I almost don't want to write anymore in this post. Lara said it all.

Good grief, the MSM is clearly getting desperate - look at their hit piece on the box-office hit Sound Of Freedom. They don't even realize that they are insulting tens of millions of people and that it's a fast-growing audience.

Here is the TRUTH about the Russia/China friendship that you will never see in the corrupt MSM. This little video is from Shangahai during the visit of a Russian military ship. Love it.

We know that President Trump could end up (publicly) back in office at any time. Here is a recent Truth Social post - this could be the shot heard around the world.

“When I return to the White House, I will declassify and unseal all JFK assassination related documents. It’s been 60 years, time for the American people to know the TRUTH! (President Trump)

A bit of humor, friends. It is so refreshing to see a climate activist being eviscerated on live television (4 minute video) by the intelligent witty interviewers. Enjoy.

I don't know who this fresh-faced young dude is impersonating the former Twitter CEO but I am certain that is not Jack Dorsey (1 minute video). Phoney confession time for the DS characters. Too late.

Speaking of phoney people, this is supposed to be Bill [C]linton greeting the Pope this month...? Give me a break.

Brilliant actor Heath Ledger, taken too young. I hope he is in the witness protection program.

We get this message, don't we Light Warriors...? And we won't be back - to a 3D world, that's for sure.

Gentle rain here today - no wind, storm or flooding, just typical rain as used to fall back in the day. Not surprisingly, I am not feeling unwell because of this weather as would have happened in recent years.

That meme makes me want to watch ET...!

Enjoy this journey, Light Warriors. There is fun and humor to be found in each day, no matter how grim the war optics can appear at times. Don't give in to despair. Stay calm, peaceful and happy - it's the best way to defeat the dark forces.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Douglas Macgregor: "Here, the standard of living is still too high. Life is still too easy. I think the financial crises is about to change that. Perhaps that will awaken the American people to their responsibilities to themselves. Maybe then we will get a different government."

    1. Thanks Wayne - Douglas MacGregor is an important voice in the Alliance operation.

  2. Lol Sierra after humans get there act together and life here is totally unrecognizable from what it is today I might indeed come back here either incarnation or working on one of the ships.

    1. I will be very happy to come back to 5D Earth, Scott - and to travel the galaxy in a star ship. Either or both would be great fun...!

  3. Why fix 3D the entire point is to ascend to 5D ... This was a school about duality separation it isn't real!! It's all been a lie...and still I read about fixing it ..what? Fix an illusion a holographic simulator ..sorry but wtf?
    Earth is ascending to 5D correct so she will pull those of us who are ready with her..let's go!!

    1. Hi Doug...I am not sure where you are getting the idea that we are fixing 3D Earth. We are ascending to 5D Earth, the details of which none of us know - we are only guessing. But I have been led to believe that those who are not ready to ascend will go on to another 3D environment somewhere. Earth was always meant to be higher dimensional - she is the living library of this universe.

  4. Hi Sierra just watched that Lara video and is so effed up that there's beings out there that think oh let's hurt a child because it's the closest thing to God.


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