Happy 4th July From Down Under...!

Happy Independence Day from New Zealand, USA blog readers...! We Light Warriors around the world honor your special day. We Are With You.

Tomorrow (4th July) the child sex-trafficking movie Sound of Freedom opens in cinemas throughout the USA. 

Here is evidence of further devastation caused to young people by the [D]eep [S]tate. Different MO but a tragic outcome none the less.

Retired USA Col Douglas MacGregor believes that a series of events will cause the US political and financial systems to collapse well before a 2024 election. Col MacGregor is a man of vast military experience, intellect and common sense - when he talks we need to listen (1' 20" video).

Fascinating bit of trivia - President Trump is the only USA President NOT to descend from slave owners. As the Fox News commentator says, 'Well, well, well...' (3' video).

Now there are drones that pick apples, replacing humans. I live in one of New Zealand's top apple-producing regions - our fruit is still picked by humans and will be for a long time to come, hopefully. I picked my fair share of apples working as a picker in my twenties.

New Zealanders are the nearest neighbor so we already know how visits to Antarctica are off limits to the average person and highly curated for everyone else. You don't just wander around down there, folks.

Finally, a reminder from Kat of an exciting event that happened on Independence Day Weekend last year - many of us Light Warriors believe that was JFK Jr standing on the top of George Washington at Mount Rushmore.


Finally, sunshine here again today - and STILL no chem-trails. It has been many weeks since we have witnessed chem-trails. The weather is much more benign as a result. We are enjoying a sunny mid-winter with balmy temperatures in the middle of the day. It's a sharp contrast to some of the hideous winters we have had in recent years with severe storms and flooding, causing major devastation to many areas of the country.

Hang in there, Light Warriors...! Keep your Swords of Truth raised high. Our time is fast approaching when we will be needed to calm the masses. As I have often said, I don't think we will get a lot of warning. One day we will wake up, and it will be underway...the Event/Shot heard around the world. And life on Earth will never be the same again.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Jason Sussdorf: "There are chaos agents in our country waiting for orders. Your neighborhoods have cells in them. Bridges, railroads, and power stations can be attacked. When the time comes they are going to create chaos."

    "Army PsyOps expert says expect chaos large cities, down power, internet out, dollar collapse."

    1. Thanks for sharing, Wayne, much appreciated...

  2. Clear blue skies here in N Idaho US Republic as well. Yes I rem the JFK Jr pic.. sadly more children lost to the damn jab why adults can be so blind I don't get it. Can't see how its all by design patents years ago. The cognitive dissonance is strong with so many. Solar flash I think is the only solution to wipe out the AI and implants we all have some overcame others have not.
    Thanks Sierra keep up the great work we need your updates to keep our vibe high

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment, Doug. I enjoy my daily post writing...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you.

  4. I saw "Sound of Freedom" yesterday in a local theater - first showing. Very good. Everyone needs to see it to have the awareness and to share it with the sleepers.

    1. As you will see, DD, I used your comment in my latest post...


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