Mysterious Chef Deaths

Starship Earth's latest newsletter is full of interesting information, particularly about [O]bama's chef drowning and other chefs who died mysteriously while or after working for the [D]eep [S]tate. Recommended reading.

BP included Vincent Kennedy's post about 'Betelgeuse will turn night into day in 2023'. Could this be the SKY EVENT that Que referred to...? Not long to wait as 2023 rapidly disappears. This event would shock humanity out of its slumber.

Shock news from the sporting world - LeBron's 18 year old son Bronny James collapsed due to cardiac arrest during training. Elon Musk was quick to make the connection to the jab - go him. Maybe this incident involving the son of a world-famous sporting celebrity will awaken people to the TRUTH about the jab.

Meanwhile, here in New Zealand, a well-known NZ journalist has written an excellent opinion piece with the TRUTH about [A]rdern's [D]eep [S]tate reign as New Zealand Prime Minister. Recommended reading.

Jenny Schiltz writes great Ascension articles - in this ten minute video she talks about our current challenges as ascending Light Warriors.

That's all I have for today. I will leave you with two life coaching questions...

Firstly, if you could get rid of EVERY 'should' in your life and live 100% authentically all day every day - what would your life look like...?

Secondly, how big is the gap between that 100% authentic life and your current life...?

I will leave you to ponder...!


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Ahh great update! Will read BP's latest always encouraging!
    My older brother transitioned today, out of a body full of cancer. Of course we are emotional and grinding but I am confident he has regained full consciousness and is receiving he soul healing he may need as I am sure we all do. David James 57

  2. Replies
    1. sorry to hear that doug, i was told by the no health service just over a year ago that i had it and needed radiation and chemo starting three days, i said thanks by no thanks and have gone the herbal route and seem to be in the best health in 20 years,

      so sierra with that in mind and also putting all faith with god and living in the moment i would say i am reasonable high in the % of authentic life, love to all

    2. I am so sorry to hear about your brother Doug. Transition is very painful for those of us left behind. Matthew Ward talks of the glorious welcome we receive on the Other Side, job well done but then his mother grieved him for 14 years before he was able to get through to her to start channeling. Your brother is now healing, surrounded by love. We Are With You in your grieving. Love, Light and hugs to you, my lovely friend.

    3. Ar hie, well done re your natural healing. I know other LWs who are having similar results using herbal remedies after receiving that kind of grim diagnosis.
      And well done being reasonably high on the 'authentic life' scale. Go you...!! It's not easy - living an authentic life is definitely not connected to being popular and/or understood by those around us. But authentic is the only way to go. Love and Light to you. Aroha...!

  3. Reading through JFK Jr.'s messages. A few things I can note: I NEVER liked looking in mirrors. It always went way beyond not liking what I saw (low self-esteem). And I have ALWAYS have an issue with doing things at a specific time/day. I also wondered why suddenly, a few years ago, I just stopped celebrating Christmas and the other holidays. I'm not hum-bug about them, but I believe they are just another way to control us, keep us in debt, and add more stress to our lives. (Not that I won't accept the well wishes, cards or gifts someone might give me during those times.)

    I'm also a bit confused why he mentioned the whole Military lockdown and the release of the EBS, like it already happened. Did we since change timelines, or am I on one now where that didn't happen?


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