President Trump 45-47

Love this pic from President Trump's South Carolina rally - note the numbers 45-47 on his cap. Scooting right on past President number 46 because....he is FAKE. Anons are pointing out the obvious rubber face mask. The REAL President Trump is safely ensconced inside Cheyenne Mountain.


Speaking of fake [B]iden, here is an interesting post. Please use your discernment as always. I can't help thinking that the Alliance could make a REAL statement - the ultimate shot heard around the world - by announcing [B]iden's death on 4th July. It would be karmic justice.

It seems that the truth cannot be hidden any longer - the [D]eep [S]tate used Ukraine as a staging area to create deep civil unrest throughout Europe. Que: 'You can't tell the people; you have to show them...' 

This UK man has nailed the background to the French riots (3' video).

Here is a fascinating article that dives deep down the rabbit hole of JFK Jr's fake death. Thanks to blog reader DD for sending it to me. Enjoy.

That's it for today. There is still an eery calm out there. What will be the first domino to fall - and when...??

The most important thing is to pace yourselves, Light Warriors. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Practice extreme self-care every day. If you feel like resting, do it. Spend time with people who lift your spirits not drag you down. It's okay to be selective about who you have in your life.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I call disinformation on the biden death Sierra simply because of the first line. Why would you tell people not to ask you and not to mention over a day later biden is still in power.

    1. Thanks for your feedback, Scott. I like to put up a wide range of intel for people to ponder.

  2. From the video above. Simon Webb: "The most stable countries are ones where almost all the citizens share a common language, religion, nationality, culture, and ethnicity."

    Watch this great carnival dance troupe of 46 germanic women from Germany.
    "TSC Royal Rülzheim & Feuerio Mannheim - Gardetanz bei Badisch-Pfälzische Fasnacht Frankenthal 2020"

    1. Thanks Wayne, I love the dance music videos you share...

  3. Thanks Sierra...we shall see what happens

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline, Love and Light to you.


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