President Trump To Be Indicted - AGAIN

Good grief, here we go again. President Trump is to be indicted over the January 6th Capitol Hill incident that happened a lifetime ago. A lot of [D]eep [S]tate treasonous activity has been uncovered since then, especially in recent weeks. So it's not surprising the DS is dragging out their tired old coconut - arrest Trump. That's all they have left because their financial resources have dried up.

Here is the reason for the DS indicting President Trump. A FBI whistleblower has emerged with rock-solid testimony against [B]iden. Look here, not there. The video is a five minute Fox News interview with Jim Jordan and James Comer.

This is President Trump's third indictment and still zip about [E]pstein's clients and the [B]iden's criminal activities in Ukraine.

Trump has been arrested 3 times before a single Epstein child sex trafficker has been arrested.
Everything you need to know πŸ˜‰

BP from Starship Earth has summarized the controversy surrounding the movie Sound of Freedom. I agree with her.

The problem seems to be that some people are overthinking it all. They need to relax, take a deep breath, and feel what is happening here. The movie is a "dramatization" and based on a true story. What part of that don't people get? That's what many movies are; based on actual events (BP Starship Earth newsletter).

Everything you need to know about President Trump's integrity...

Be proud of your high level of discernment, Light Warriors. Your BS radar is working beautifully.

Kat posted an amazing Kim Clement prophecy from 2007.

πŸ¦…πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ A lost Kim Clement Trump-Prophecy found
from June *17* 2007, San Jose CA

πŸ•Š Kim
[Trump will serve] 2 Terms, 2 Terms!!
[🎢 Kim sings] In the House that they call White
shall receive a man
who stood in your night.
In the House that you call White
shall receive a man, a Knight, fought for you.

"I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." – POTUS

4-4-08 Kim
But now there is a second President,
how can we have 2 presidents?”
An unusual thing, isn’t it?
says the Spirit of the Lord..
Fear not, for God said..
My Nation & I will change things
according to the Time & Season..
I prophesy America
you are light, salt, joy.
I declare this upon this Nation:
Great great prosperity again πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

There is a President who will come & God says,

“For,” God said, “I am dissatisfied
with what emerges from BOTH parties.”

Remember, everything is happening in Divine timing. The bad guys had access to Project Looking Glass (time travel) and no matter how many times they tried to change the outcome, the end result was always the same: complete destruction of the DS and liberation for humanity. I wanted to include the link to the excellent Project Looking Glass whistleblower video - but it's gone. So has the link I posted to Sound of Freedom. Over the target, friends. 

Finally, we Light Warriors tend to be invisible to 3D people around us unless we directly cross their path. Our undercover role is part of it - but I do believe unawakened people cannot resonate with our steadily increasing Light and they, literally, 'don't see us' until we are right in front of them. Dolores Cannon forewarned about this scenario in her books. 

Keep up your connections with Light Warrior friends, and know that you always have a home in this blog community. It is a hub of caring supportive like-minded souls. You are not alone.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. I just had some light hearted fun teasing my stepfather about this indictment and how great trump is and you might have guessed he lost his shift. Though after I gave him a pat on the shoulder he seemed to calm down.

    1. You are so funny, Scott. You will be reminding him of that conversation when President Trump is officially reinstated. A LOT of people are going to be very humbled by that news.

  2. It's all theatre .. nothing by accident it appears .. still let's hurry this movie up!

    1. It is well-scripted theatre, Doug and a marathon viewing session for sure...!!

  3. Standing at 5'10" for years, how can I be "invisible" standing in short lines at the post office, etc.? It's disconcerting when the clerk calls on the person behind me. It's funny now - wasn't then.

    1. I am of slight build so can easily get over-looked in queues. What I find disconcerting is when I am invisible in my car on the road - people are constantly pulling out in front of me as if I am not there.

    2. That used to happen to me periodically. I changed the wording on my protection, so I do not have that issue much anymore. I'll email it to you if you like - jog my memory, ok?

  4. Thank you Sierra. You have created a very welcoming, loving home here and I read everyday.

    1. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Indigo. And ditto for your endorsement, Caroline. You are both valued members of this community.

  5. Replies
    1. Lovely to see your cheery purple hearts, Caroline. Thank you!

  6. I presume this indictment, like the others, sets precedent and follows the law, so that those who are truly guilty of similar crimes can be arrested legally and in the court of leftists’ minds. But there are so many twists and turns in this movie, it’s hard to tell what is actually in play and how the White Hats will use the indictments.

    BTW: I can’t seem to get the Google sign on to work on your blog, and I try frequently on my ipad and phone. It just worked on my phone, and don’t know why, but do know Sierra I’m still here and appreciating your daily posts even if you don’t hear from me.

    1. Alice, thanks for the great reminder that this indictment will be setting a precedent. Yes, indeed. It is paving the way to openly arrest the DS.
      I am so sorry about you not being able to sign in - that is very frustrating. I think other people have experienced similar problems. Lovely to know that you are still reading the posts...!

    2. Alice, if you use Brave browser check in settings to see if 3rd party cookies are blocked. If so, you will have to unblock 3rd party cookies to comment. That may be the case on other browsers, as well.

      I just had to do that to respond to you. Once I post this comment, I will block 3rd party cookies again. Hope that helps.

      Love and Blessings to Sierra for creating this safe space.

    3. Thanks Ephew. I use Safari on my iPad and phone, and didn’t see those options. I seem to be able to post on my phone now, but not my iPad. Can’t see any difference in the settings between the 2 devices. But for now I can post from my phone ;).

      And thanks Sierra!

    4. Thanks Ephew - great advice to Alice and others. And thank you for your kind message, I so appreciate it.

  7. Yes all appears to be for precedent to be done.. no way he gets arrested for DC police willingly opening the capitol bldg...armed police standing off to the side and no NG anywhere!?
    Another poorly done psy op the media hammers into the weak minded among us..

    1. It's all part of the optics to awaken people to the truth - that President Trump is the REAL President, and [B]iden is fake.

  8. Hey...what happened to isis the terror quida sic all those bad groups ...they never get any media time Syria what happened to all that situation ?? πŸ˜‰

    1. That is such a good point, Doug...! They dragged those groups out back in the day solely to create fear.


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