Tim Ballard Interview

Please, please take 18 minutes to watch this short interview with Tim Ballard. Tim rescued thousands of child sex-trafficking victims - his story is portrayed in the powerful new movie Sound of Freedom. In the interview, Tim talks frankly about how he wrestled with the decision to take up his mission work and answer the call of the Light Warrior. I love his humility, compassion and unwavering dedication to serving humanity. He is a true inspiration. Pass it on.

Sex-trafficking survivors are making You Tube videos condemning the movie Sound of Freedom. They say that the reality is much worse. Yes, that is true, of course it is. However, red-pilling the masses has to start somewhere. The movie manages to shed valuable light on a shocking industry without risking alienating a general audience. In my opinion, the producers got the balance pitch-perfect.

Meanwhile, President Trump drops a TRUTH bomb about 'that' white powder found in the White House.

Honoring a brave Light Warrior who made the ultimate sacrifice - Seth Rich.


A reminder of the[D]eep [S]tate climate change BS playbook, presented here by a much younger version of John Kerry - what happened to the old version...?? Check out the other actors standing there looking awkward, pretending to be a President and a King. Honestly, you have to laugh (55" video).

Thanks to blog reader Deb for sending me this message. I had spotted it earlier but felt inspired to share it when she emailed it to me. This concept makes a lot of sense to me.

Finally, no chem-trails here again today, yay...! Just blue sky with a few real fluffy white clouds to add a scenic touch. Rather than get depressed when those nasty criss-crosses invade the sky, I intend to focus on gratitude for days like today. Baby steps. This war is being won, one day at a time.


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Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Benjamin Fulford: "Nonetheless, waiting for the system to implode is not very satisfying because we are seeing so many efforts by the KM to buy time by promising all sorts of good things in 2025. At the same time we see them still pushing New Age nonsense about some sort of photon belt or ascension to the 5th dimension that will eliminate 90% of the population. Then, the survivors will get “med-beds,” and magic machines that will make anything etc. In other words “please wait until we can kill you.
    The following is a video of military-aged male “refugees” arriving, wearing very nice clothes and given thousands in free cash. They’re not your “tired, your poor, your huddled masses” as we are led to believe. Funded by your treasonous U.S. government, they are heading to your neighborhoods to murder, rape, pillage and replace you." (eraoflight)

    1. I follow Ben Judy hard to know what he believing as a photon belt has been explained on many sites I follow to send higher energies to earth and also 10% left sounds about right for those of below 51% in the heart and remain.
      As for the thugs coming in what about Trust the Plan..the military is the only way..and all is a movie a script and nothing is as it seems?
      Also back in 2020 Michael Love promoted a video the Light Has Won...over 3 years ago..I go back and see the videos and updates from the Pleaidians etc..we heard from Q these decodes and many expected solar flash already..them cobra states 2025 no reason offered really ad a solar flash takes down all AI..all the negative structure and helps all awaken so why it hasn't happened is BS in my galactic mind.. Send the wave.

    2. Hi Wayne and Doug...
      I was very disappointed by the sarcastic tone in Ben's latest newsletter. This is not his usual quality of journalism. He is taking cheap petty shots at millions of Light Warriors, which clearly does not make sense when that demographic is a big part of his readership.

  2. This soooooo resonated with me!!!! Thank you Sierra! Work is getting strange and I've been encouraged to stay in my own line and out of the line of year. I was going to look at doing something else and was advised just wait. And I feel the RV is at the end of our fingertips and so glad it has moved slow because I am more ready now that even 2-3 years ago!!! Hanging in there in the PNW - Karen (definitely the leftist side of state! lol)

    1. Hi Karen, lovely to hear from you in the PNW. Yes, many Light Warriors are receiving messages to sit tight and not make any major moves re jobs, houses etc. Not long now...!

  3. But... Trump is mocking? If Joe really doesn't have access to the nuclear keys... 🤔
    Barely chems lately in Spain too 😏

    1. Yes, Ric, President Trump is definitely mocking [B]iden re the nuclear codes.
      And great news about clear skies in Spain, yay...!


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