Ascension Thoughts Update

I am devoting most of this post to reflecting on our current situation as awake Light Warriors in an increasingly surreal nutty world. It has been a while since I wrote an Ascension Update post.

I remind myself of two things several times a day. One: I am not crazy. Two: I am not alone. Those two thoughts sustain me when I feel the world start to spin crazily. I am sure you will relate to it. 

Being outside in nature is calming and soothing so I usually take two walks a day by the seashore. Thank goodness for my lovely environment. Weeding the garden is grounding too.

The word 'discombobulated' often comes to mind. I have always liked the word - it is quirky and has an impressive six syllables which makes it fun to say. Previously it was not relevant to my life but now it is my 'go to' word to describe what I am feeling. Collins Concise Dictionary definition of discombobulate: 'To throw into confusion..' Being thrown into confusion is an almost constant state these days for Light Warriors.

Talking to Light Warrior friends is always a delightful relief. We don't have to go to great lengths to describe how we are feeling - we know we are BOTH feeling the same way. 

I haven't discussed Ascension symptoms for a while so here is an update...Weird dreams...hungry in late evening...thirsty throughout day...craving carbs...sudden bursts of energy interspersed with times of deep weariness...loud ear-ringing...sudden aversion to certain foods...friendships either rapidly falling apart or strengthening...loss of interest in activities that were always enjoyed before.

No wonder we are feeling discombobulated in a surreal nutty world.

It really helps to trust the Divine Plan. If you have not read the previous post of the One Who Serves channeling, I recommend that you do. He confirms that many arrests have already happened behind the scenes.

Thanks to Kat for this compilation confirming the amount of activity taking place behind the scenes.


Finally, there are rays of glorious Light bursting through the madness. Check out this video of Pennsylvania students marching in protest over boys using the girls bathrooms. We The People are not taking the BS anymore - our young Light Warriors are leading the way (30" video).

Hang in there, Light Warriors. We are the bravest of the brave, the strongest of the strong. We have already weathered so many storms in the last few years and now the finish line is finally upon us. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Great update! Jan Halper Hayes knows!! So uplifting isn't it! Alot is and has happened ...we know Biden is an actor and we know many have been replaced to keep it all going until just the right time when suddenly the movie stops and all is revealed and exposed by the 🕯️🕯️🕯️

    1. Doug, your candles of Light are gorgeous, love it...! Yes indeedy, Jan KNOWS. The time was right for her to arrive on the scene and uplift weary Light Warriors by sharing her inside knowledge.

  2. Discombobulated is a favorite word of mine, too! Your post is right on! Thank you so much.

    1. Thanks so much Smudge Rev and Doug. Maybe that word was invented for this time...!!

  3. I never did share my BQH session with you. My apologies - it's been a tough year. I lost my dog (and best friend) some months ago and the months leading up to it were the hardest in my life. To cut a long story short, the Pleiadians took a central role and discussed the shift. They explained how lightworkers are strategically placed around the world in a 'grid' to anchor the higher frequencies and that everything changes in 2024. Basically we're approaching a 'choice point'. Everyone will have to make a choice - stay or go. No one can sit this out, we all have to do this for ourselves. I saw physical portals and contact becoming increasingly frequent. I was asked to pay attention to my dreams and that a sign of messages coming in will be buzzing in my left ear, that is how I know these can be trusted. But it looked like physical contact with ETs will occur, which is why the government is trying to get a hold of the narrative with this slow-drip disclosure. The reason being - anyone on the fence or skeptical will be put in a place of fear when it comes to ETs, so that they are more likely to trust the narrative given.

    I was also shown that lightworks now have a greater influencer on the wider collective. Covid had to happen, because if the shift had taken place before then, many more souls would have not raised their frequencies. Covid has made many more people question the status quo and when push comes to shove, many more will now be able to 'make the leap' and listen to more genuine sources of information. It's been hard, but I can understand why this is a great thing.

    I was shown until the very end, the crunch point, the mainstream and government will still try their upmost best to persuade people to trust them and follow them. We need to laugh at them and try to use our influence to make others see the truth. I was also told that we would feel this truth. I was shown physical portals, like a literal stay or go situation, but I am not sure if this was just a way for me to understand what was happening. I hope this helps and I really do hope that this all takes place, but the 'choice' seemed to be in 2024, with things unfolding in the coming few years.

    1. Thank you. I suddenly had my right ear start ringing and lost hearing a couple days never had that happen before. We hold the light for all!

    2. Thanks Lukron, I am so grateful to you for taking the time to share your session. As you will hopefully see, I used it in today's post. The information is very important. Love, Light and hugs to you.
      And Doug, I get downloads when my right ear is ringing. Sometimes it is surprisingly loud!


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