'New Variant' Emerging Down Under

Here we go again in New Zealand -  the 'new variant' BS has landed in the MSM. There are similiar headlines in Aussie newspapers.

By the way, that pink-haired 'expert' pictured in the article got busted during lockdown for going to the beach with friends. But the [D]eep [S]tate never follow their own rules, do they...?

Good spot to pop in this meme.

Never forget what they did to us. Many people - children and adults - were traumatized by the painful invasive swabs. I avoided them altogether.

Chatting with local Light Warrior friends, we believe that if masks and jabs were re-introduced the uptake would be quite low. People are waking up to the TRUTH, i.e. it is just the flu. The few people still masked up stand out in local shops, especially now that we are heading into summer.

A powerful message - please watch to the end (you will probably guess the ending, 1' 30" video).

This video about subliminal programming is very interesting (3' 57").

I have shared before that I had a graphic designer boyfriend in my early 20's. He taught me how to spot subliminal images in advertising, eg sexual pictures hidden in ice cubes in alcoholic drinks. As the man in the video said, once you see it you cannot unsee it. And I agree with the man about the hard-core propaganda regarding the jab Down Under. It took great courage and strength of character to swim against the tide when it came to masks and jabs during the height of the madness.

Please take the time to watch this video about huge elaborate USA buildings before 1900 (1' 30" video). 

When I visit New Zealand's main cities, there are similar buildings, particularly large churches and cathedrals. I have always wondered how those massive stone buildings were constructed in the time of the horse and buggy. We have been lied to, people. Nearly all Earth's history as presented by the [D]eep [S]tate is a lie.

Finally, we Light Warriors can be very hard on ourselves. 'Am I doing enough..?' You are doing enough. You ARE enough. You are much more than enough. You are amazing - always remember it.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. We came from outer space
    To experience the most difficult world
    To experience suffering to strengthen us
    To help the people with spiritual religion
    To ascend to our higher self
    To help make heaven on Earth
    We are the lightworkers

    1. Martin Brodel: "What we are fighting for is not just this Earth. We are fighting for the whole universe. We have people all over the universe here to watch. Over 200 groups from 200 planets are here observing us."


    2. Thanks Wayne, I appreciate your sharing - I will check out the link.

  2. A friend of ours who isn't aware of any of this traveled to Spain just a week ago sent us amazing pics of cathedrals and I gently replied, these are impressive but what's always baffled me was how did man build them during such primitive times with our modern equipment and no computers etc.. she wouldn't reply. She is a grad student studying neurology in Hawaii..we think of her as another daughter but she hasn't yet realized she has an infinite soul and that all of this is a matrix. I imagine many are similar to her..very intelligent in her discipline but I can't tell her it's all a lie she has to open her eyes herself I know.
    Plandemic 2.0 as predicted here we go! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Doug, you were very diplomatic with your friend. I think the building of the extraordinary cathedrals is beyond the understanding of most people at present. All will be known in good time...!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Caroline, Love, Light and hugs to you.


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