TRUTH Movie: 'The Greatest Show On Earth'

I am opening this post with a link to the excellent TRUTH movie 'The Greatest Show On Earth'. Thanks to blog reader Deb for suggesting that I include the link in a post. The movie presents the Alliance plan in clear chronological detail. I have watched it. It is recommended as a refresher for 'old timers' and also for 'newbies' who come to you seeking information (1 hr 20 minute video).

Yesterday there was a 6.2 magnitude earthquake here in New Zealand, reported by international MSM. I didn't feel it, and neither did many people in my area. Interesting because the magnitude and location meant that we would usually feel it. The depth was 11 kilometers. Hopefully clearing out the last of the DUMBS.

We can feel heartened by this huge protest march in Ottawa Canada: 'Leave our kids alone...!' (36" video). 

Dr Peter McCullough gave a powerful presentation to the European Parliament condemning the jab and outlining the catastrophic side effects.

I was hoping this video would reappear and here it is. Check out this genius Project Veritas sting operation on a dumb CNN director who blabbed EVERYTHING. He bragged about getting Trump out of office and boasted that 'climate change will be the next Pandemic'.... As Q said: 'These people are STUPID...' (9 minute video).

Finally, blog reader Lukron left a great comment about a quantum healing session he had. It is full of important information about what is currently happening. Thank you Lukron and big hugs from this community for the loss of your beloved dog.

'...To cut a long story short, the Pleiadians took a central role and discussed the shift. They explained how lightworkers are strategically placed around the world in a 'grid' to anchor the higher frequencies and that everything changes in 2024. Basically we're approaching a 'choice point'. Everyone will have to make a choice - stay or go. No one can sit this out, we all have to do this for ourselves. I saw physical portals and contact becoming increasingly frequent. I was asked to pay attention to my dreams and that a sign of messages coming in will be buzzing in my left ear, that is how I know these can be trusted. But it looked like physical contact with ETs will occur, which is why the government is trying to get a hold of the narrative with this slow-drip disclosure. The reason being - anyone on the fence or skeptical will be put in a place of fear when it comes to ETs, so that they are more likely to trust the narrative given.

I was also shown that lightworks now have a greater influencer on the wider collective. Covid had to happen, because if the shift had taken place before then, many more souls would have not raised their frequencies. Covid has made many more people question the status quo and when push comes to shove, many more will now be able to 'make the leap' and listen to more genuine sources of information. It's been hard, but I can understand why this is a great thing.

I was shown until the very end, the crunch point, the mainstream and government will still try their upmost best to persuade people to trust them and follow them. We need to laugh at them and try to use our influence to make others see the truth. I was also told that we would feel this truth. I was shown physical portals, like a literal stay or go situation, but I am not sure if this was just a way for me to understand what was happening. I hope this helps and I really do hope that this all takes place, but the 'choice' seemed to be in 2024, with things unfolding in the coming few years...' (Blog reader Lukron).

We Light Warriors can feel the crescendo approaching very rapidly. I am sure we will see BIG things happen before 2024. Maintain situational awareness at all times - the world is an extremely volatile place at present. However, do not go into fear. If you have done your spiritual 'homework', you will sail through the coming weeks/months and be available to help people around you who will need your compassionate support.


Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light


  1. Thank you! I recall Allison Coe session talking about actual portals that appear and most go but up to like 15% or so don't go they choose to remain on 3D earth. Of course these timelines if you will can always be altered a bit but it's likely x% will remain.

    1. Doug, I agree with you that most people will go. There is a lot of contention about the percentage of souls who will ascend during the Shift. Some of the estimates are disappointingly low. I believe that MOST people will ascend - the rest will go to another 3D setting to continue their soul evolution.

  2. ‘The Greatest Show On Earth’ is so well done and keeps you watching…great job! Many people may not be fully awake but they sure are questioning what is obviously wrong in our world. The protest in Ottawa is one of these obvious issues…

    To Lukron: Your best friend is in a happy place ✨🌟✨. I know how you feel. Many years ago when I lost my beautiful dog it was devastating and so heartbreaking. I didn’t realize how much love was in me until I lost him. We had a unique spiritual and psychic connection. He had told me we were together in many lifetimes. I still miss him. I had contacted an animal communicator after he passed and I felt happy knowing he was in a happy place.

    Thank you for sharing important and very interesting information from your quantum healing session.

    I feel like I am standing at the edge of a cliff…when do I jump?, lol. Wishing safety and peace for everyone on Earth as we transition into this next phase. 💕💕💕

    1. Thanks for this lovely comment, Indigo.
      I want to add to your heart-felt message to Lukron about the loss of both your beautiful dogs. I have empathy for what you both went through. I lost our family cat Sammie after 13 years and I was devastated. My intense grief was so unexpected because I am not a cat person - I am a dog person. But Sammie had been my constant companion through two divorces and his loss was immense. Like you Indigo, I was blessed to receive a message from Sammie after he died via an animal communicator. She shared things about him that no one could have known. It was very comforting.
      And yes, there are millions of us perched on the edge of that cliff right now. We are in good company...!!


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